birthday — Perspective by CCMcAfee — BLOG
40 New Things - The List
The Mario Party Refresh with Printable Invitations
printable, party/eventcarolyn mcafeeMario party, birthday party, birthday, chocolate mustache, chocolate wii remote, drink labels, free printable, plastic table covers, printable invitation
Happy Birthday To Me!!!
Happy Birthday E...
party/eventcarolyn mcafeeE, M&M labels, birthday breakfast, birthday decor, birthday party, birthday printable, birthday, bounce house, free printable, party decor
Our Life Lately... In Photos
3 Dirty Little Secrets!
carolyn mcafeeHalloween, add a shelf, birthday, craft room, dirty, facelift, foot pegs, mess, secrets, solution, sticky tack, witch boot, wood balloons, wood connection, wood crafts, wood presents
My Birthday Away/At Home...
Swimming and Stitches
Another year older...
DIY Birthday Crown and Printable Birthday Tags
The Party Post...Tween Spa Party!
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She is 10!
Back to Warmth... Back to School BBQ
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Last Week Before School
My birthday
THE Mario party...
Birthday time... 3/27
A look back at January
Q's Craft Party
A pretty special day...