The Party Post...Tween Spa Party!
Tween years! Oh my. The parties have to change now right? Q has always loved her birthday and she likes to be part of the planning part, the creative part, as well as the party part! It is fun to brainstorm and come up with ideas together.
This year we decided to do a spa party for Q, to celebrate her tweenhood!
Before her party I spent some time making these wood crafts... I've had the bare wood for a good two years now! This was the year I finally got to them! While I was at it I covered both sides, one girl, one boy of course! So you'll see the other side in a month! They are cute right?
Thursday Q and I made her birthday shirt so she could wear it to school on her birthday. I found a cupcake silhouette and we picked fabric to create this...
There is a little fusible web tutorial coming up... which is how I made this and all of the girls spa tank tops.
On Friday I took cupcakes into Q's class. She decided on cookies and cream cupcakes. My favorite too!
I baked them all in these wax lined baking cups from Amazon, they seriously are the only way to go... you can cook all of them at once! As many as you can fit onto a cookie sheet! It's amazing. Paper cups have to be cooked in muffin tins and you can only fit so many into the oven at once. Really. Amazing! Plus how cute are they? Click on the photo to purchase them.
Of course I was in a hurry, so I forgot to photo the finished product. BUT, here is the recipe oreo cupcake.
Of course I was in a hurry, so I forgot to photo the finished product. BUT, here is the recipe oreo cupcake.
Alright prepare yourself for the tween spa party!!
Here is the entry way. I decorated the banister with plastic table covers and lanterns. The wood crafts are here, welcoming party time!
I made this balloon wreath a couple of years ago, it hangs on the inside of the front door. We have a boy one too.
We started our party with lunch.
We had subs, fruit and chips with pink lemonade.
Next we had cake and opened presents. Here is where we sang to my girl. I put out candy for the girls to munch on while we spa'd and the gift bags are here as well. I bought my colored candy at Oh Nuts.
Q wanted an ice cream cake for her party. I'm personally not a fan, but it's her day! And, my rear thanks me for not enjoying any of this!
Q and I had fun putting the gift bags together... she wrote a note to each guest.
After we opened gifts I had all of the girls change into their spa tanks that Sydney and I made together while the C's were at our house for date night. She was happy to be crafting and the help was great!
Then we had spa time in the family room.
We had three stations, facial, feet and nails.
I manned the foot station. We started with a soak, then a scrub, then a massage, then over to toe painting. I can't tell you how long I've had this foot stuff... years! Was happy to finally use it!
Syd did our facials. The girls thought that was funny! Syd also painted toes.
The big story was nails!
I had my friend Tenika come and do the girls' nails. She is awesome, had a ton of stuff and did delightful things to their nails!
The girls had so much fun getting pampered, giggling and laughing together!
Our last activity was making bath salts.
I found instructions here and made my own adjustments. I had the salt ready to go then I gave each girl a dollar store cookie sheet. They mixed their own colors and scent, with their rubber gloves on.

We put them in little mason jars and the girls took them home with their other goodies.
That was it! It was so much fun!
Are you exhausted? I was... but then I had to clean up! Isn't that how motherhood is?
We left most of the decor up through the weekend.
We celebrated as a family on Sunday, gave gifts.
Monday I took Q out for lunch then we went to Target to spend her money from Grandma Cooper.
She is 10. She is fabulous! It's worth a celebration!