girlfriends — Perspective by CCMcAfee — BLOG
10 things - Before Vacation
Mother's Day Luncheon
personal, printablecarolyn mcafeeGrand Island Half Marathon, gift bags, girlfriends, lunch, mother printable, motherhood is a calling, mothers day, quick gifts, washi tape
Running Is Introduction Enough...
Score = Texas - 3, Me - 1
Happy Birthday To Me!!!
Fun Run... All Week Long!
Grand Island Half Marathon - Race Recap
5 Things Friday - Eating, Unfulfilled Desires and Wants
carolyn mcafee5 things Friday, Damita, family, food, girlfriends, lake toys, link party, link up, meals on wheels, unfulfilled desires, wants, water trampoline
Today... Forgetting, Scrapping, New House Peek
A Week Of Running 'Firsts'
carolyn mcafeealtra running shoe, bones of feet, cheerleader, compression sleeves, compression socks, cuneiform, girlfriends, half marathon, new shoes, running shoes, running, spectating, training, weekly workout
Treasures In St. George
carolyn mcafeeUtah, flashback, girlfriends, hiking, kari, old friends, paige, park, southern UT, st george, summer vacation, swimming
Dress Your Shape, Not Size, Shopping with Sarah
Rochester Sprint Triathalon... race review... Finally!
Our Week... Parties, Games, Recitals
Love Lately... food, body, art and kids
carolyn mcafeeCCMcAfee Photography, G, bike ride, boys, center stage dance studio, chess, dance, food, girlfriends, modern dance, photography, slurpees, smoothies, trumpet
The Post On Crashing
runningcarolyn mcafeecrash into you, crashing, cycling, girlfriends, ouch, running, scrap pages, swim, training, triathalon
I Love... With a Flashback
The Paper Orb... that didn't make the cut
Really? Really.
carolyn mcafee'the talk', allergies, baby shower, bird nest, girlfriends, menstrual cycle, missionary work, one eye snake, puberty, really, swimming, tissue in nose, wreath
Grand Island Half Marathon Recap