love — Perspective by CCMcAfee — BLOG
Say What You Need... or not... I Will Love Anyway
my faith, personalcarolyn mcafeeJesus Christ, Matthew, forgiveness, healing, love, power of love, say what you need, scriptures, tween, Bible, my heart, motherhood, communicating with tweens, listening better, hearing our children, mother daughter, parenting
Saying Goodbye To My Friend - I'll See You When I Look At You!
Visiting Teaching October: Filled With Charity and Love
5 on Friday: Jobs, Prep, Colors, Annoying Things and a Melting Heart
Growing Up with a Handicapped Father: I Don't Know What He's Saying...
carolyn mcafeefirst grade, flashback, handicapped, hide in van, language, late for school, love, my dad, scrap pages, stroke
I Admit It, I'm A Runner... Emotionally!
carolyn mcafeechange, childhood, daughter, flashback, learning, love, mother, my heart, running away, trauma
Say What You Need... or not... I Will Love Anyway
my faith, personalcarolyn mcafeeJesus Christ, Matthew, Q, argue, forgiveness, healing, love, power of love, say what you need, scriptures, tween, Bible, my heart, motherhood
Flashback, um... Sunday... and saying goodbye...
For She Loved Much
The Winds of Change