Christmas — Perspective by CCMcAfee — BLOG
Make Those Tinsel Trees Pretty
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Our Christmas Card Tree Display - DIY Christmas Clothes Pins
home/seasonal, craft/seasonalcarolyn mcafeeChristmas clothes pins, mini clothes pins, wood veneer shapes, wood veneer trees, Studio Calico, Christmas card display, ribbon tree, ribbon Christmas card display, Christmas card, Christmas
Christmas Home Tour - Living Room
Christmas Countdown with 25 Gifts
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Saying Goodbye To My Friend - I'll See You When I Look At You!
Easy Gift Wrap Station
#ASaviorIsBorn - 12 Days of Christmas Family Advent
Treasure Hunting and Making Wreaths
christmas, upcycle, craft/seasonalcarolyn mcafeeChristmas wreath, antique, dresser, light fixtures, ornaments, repurpose, restore, sport ball wreath, trash to treasure, treasure hunting, wreath, Christmas
Peace, Be Still
Merry Christmas
Easy, No Sew Tree Skirt
Our Favorite Christmas Advents...
christmas, craft/seasonalcarolyn mcafeeChristmas advent, facelift, gold spray paint, printable advents, scrapbooking, scripture advent, tree with drawers, Christmas countdown, Christmas
Tornado Christmas... and some favorites from 2013
Straw Starburst Mirror: Christmas AND Valentines Day
craft/seasonalcarolyn mcafeecraft, dining room, diy, paper straws, wreath, starburst mirror, how to make sunburst mirror, Christmas craft, valentine craft, Christmas
Having 'The Talk'... How We Told Our Kids About Santa
family, christmas, craft/seasonalcarolyn mcafeeChristmas Eve, Christmas, Santa, telling our kids, tradition, telling kids about Santa, spirit of Christmas, Christmas craft, parenthood, parenting
Our Christmas Card... and bits from the month
Splat, Indent, Disaster... and a Lace Tree!
personal, craft/seasonalcarolyn mcafeeChristmas décor, Christmas tree, canvas art, canvas, family, lace, ruffle, sick, tree, lace tree, ruffle tree, Christmas
Party Time } My Christmas Party Look
my faith, wearingcarolyn mcafeeCCMakesStuff, Christmas, black stud skirt, fur boots, fur leg warmers, gold headband, my faith, party, relief society
Deck the Halls 2013 } The Family Room
old seasonalcarolyn mcafeeChristmas décor, Christmas, fabric nativity, family room, holiday, mantle, nativity, printables, stockings, old house
Christmas and Hanukkah Printables!
printable/seasonalcarolyn mcafeeChristmas tree, Christmas, Haunkkah, festival of lights, free printable, joy, merry and bright, printable, wise men, most wonderful time