Jesus Christ — Perspective by CCMcAfee — BLOG
Posts tagged Jesus Christ
Say What You Need... or not... I Will Love Anyway
my faith, personalcarolyn mcafeeJesus Christ, Matthew, forgiveness, healing, love, power of love, say what you need, scriptures, tween, Bible, my heart, motherhood, communicating with tweens, listening better, hearing our children, mother daughter, parenting
Behold Your Little Ones
my faith, lds printablescarolyn mcafeelittle ones, teaching children, righteousness, goodness, Book of Mormon study, Jesus Christ, perpetuate righteousness, sister grassli, LDS quotes
Peace, Be Still
December Visiting Teaching Printable: Compassionate
visiting teachingcarolyn mcafeeJesus Christ, John A Widtsoe, Lucy Mack Smith, alleviate suffering, compassion, lds printables, my faith, relief society, visiting teaching handout, visiting teaching printable, 2015
Easter Sunday...
Say What You Need... or not... I Will Love Anyway
my faith, personalcarolyn mcafeeJesus Christ, Matthew, Q, argue, forgiveness, healing, love, power of love, say what you need, scriptures, tween, Bible, my heart, motherhood
The Will of The Father... Accepting or Doing
my faithcarolyn mcafeeFather's Day, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Moses, accept, align, comfort, death, faith, healing, my dad, my faith, peace, study, will of the Lord, will of the Father, death of dad
This is going to hurt!