family — Perspective by CCMcAfee — BLOG
3 Keys To Working With Kids Successfully
familycarolyn mcafeegetting kids to work, children working, fall leaves, working outside, 3 tips, fall tradition, leaves on trampoline, jump in leaves, fall, work quote
Year In Review: Places We Went
Run For Your Life
10 Back to School Things
10 things... that make me happy
family, personalcarolyn mcafeehorse and rider, hair elastic, kknekki, l erickson, knox farm, birthday shirt, candy bar, wall paper, paper straws, paint
10 Things...
family, personalcarolyn mcafeeleather and pearl bracelet, world market, dentist, drawer pulls, 7 deadly sins, it's a good day, spa day, friendship, elastic heart, wall paper
Utah Week 2 - Part 2
Utah Week 2 - Part 1
As of Late... But Not Recently
Summer Vacation - part 2
Summer Vacation - part 1
As of Late
Talking To My Teens About Cutting
personal, familycarolyn mcafeecutting, talking to my teens, teens cutting, honesty, trust, coping, talk about feelings, my heart, self harm
As Of Late...
DC Trip... The Family Top 10.
familycarolyn mcafeeCCMcAfee Photography, Smithsonian, Washington DC, Washington Monument, art, family, feeding birds, geology, things to do in DC, top 10, vacation, travel
5 Things Friday - laughing, do better, improving
Love Fathers and What I Wore
wearing, personal, familycarolyn mcafeeFather's Day, Mormon fashion blogger, booties, braided bun, father, floral skirt, link party, link up, long hair, mint top, modest fashion, wiw to church, wiw
Having 'The Talk'... How We Told Our Kids About Santa
family, christmas, craft/seasonalcarolyn mcafeeChristmas Eve, Christmas, Santa, telling our kids, tradition, telling kids about Santa, spirit of Christmas, Christmas craft, parenthood, parenting
The Reality of Starting School
Mothers Day - Are We Not All Mothers?