#ASaviorIsBorn - 12 Days of Christmas Family Advent


I have written a post or two about our Christmas advent traditions.

The two that have stood the test of time are found in THIS post.
Something every day...

Scripture advent

This year we filled our tree half full of our favorite activities to do, and we are saving the 12 days of Christmas for this new advent.

I'm teaming up with SugarDoodleShop to offer this to anyone and everyone who wants to participate!
The work is all done, and it's oh, so cute!
You just print it out and enjoy the 12 days of Christmas with your family!

Here is what the 12 days look like in a glance...
To get you started download this cute advent banner and get it hung up!
It all starts on Sunday!  Can you believe that Sunday is the 12 day countdown!  Crazy, still have a bunch to do!

The whole list of the 12 days is up at SugarDoodleShop.  You can download everything you need there!  There is something for everyday, so you can think ahead and be prepared.

Love them for putting this together!  We are excited to participate.

Here are some peeks of the downloads to help your family celebrate the Savior's birth...



cute manger scene 

We'll see if this becomes a yearly tradition for us too!
I just printed it off and hung it up today!