10 things - Before Vacation
Let me take you back for a minute, to just as school was ending, just before we left for vacation...
1- The kids had a sleepover in the hockey room, the first night that all of them were out. How cute is that? They dragged out the mattresses and set up all of their beds. They slept in turbo long the next day, because it's so dark down there. I love when they will all be together.
2- This is how my girl does pancakes! Particular.
3- O had his first lacrosse game. It was so fun to watch him! I'm so glad he's playing. He did great!!!

4- I had a flashback. When E was little he wouldn't nap. His bigger brother didn't so he didn't want to. Since he needed to nap I would, at random, find him knocked out in different places of the house!
Just recently I had been working, sent the kids to do their jobs. I was calling for E and he wasn't answering me. I checked outside, checked all over the house, threatened that if he was teasing me he'd get in trouble!!! I wondered if he'd just gone to our neighbors to play, without asking... that's a no no! I could not find him!
I enlisted the help of the other kids, as I started to become a little more concerned! I finally found him, in our front room, asleep! He was 'getting his reading done' and had fallen asleep!
5- Speaking of reading, we have finally found a series that interests this little boy! He does not love reading, but he does enjoy Diary of an 8 Bit Warrior
6- We were at the lake and as the boys were walking back to the dock I guess that G had picked up this rock. He came up to me as they got back and said 'here mom, it's a heart.' I almost fell over! Seriously, it melted my heart! My 13 year old boy saw the heart in this rock, picked it up, carried back, it and gave it to me. When he was 2 that was sweet and not a-typical. Now that he's 13... like I said, I about fell over!!! I wrote the date on this rock and I intend to keep it! It reminds me that he does indeed love me.
7- I met 'the girls' for lunch. We celebrated birthdays. Love these girls! So glad to have friends.
8- I got Matt bocce ball for Father's Day. We played together on Sunday and had a great time. G and I lost to dad and the little's. I laugh at the fact that I'm wearing my coat! Oh the weather is so different!
9- I'm out!!! I need to order more of this Praline Pecan Honey Butter from Georgia Peach World. Seriously, it is so dang good!!
10- I don't know why, but the morning we left I got out my journals. The kids and I did a little bit of reading. We read O's birth story! I have always enjoyed writing and keeping my history, as well as writing as an outlet. Since my memory is so dang bad, it's a good thing too! I did mention this was first thing in the morning right? I look tired!