race recap — Perspective by CCMcAfee — BLOG
Shamrock Race Review and 3 Lessons
racing, runningcarolyn mcafee5 miles, 8k, shamrock race, race review, race recap, march race, race pr, race results, running lessons, my capacities quote, difficulties quote
Just the Miles... 36ish of them - Ragnar Ultra DC
My Boston Marathon
Grand Island Half Marathon - Race Recap
Wineglass Marathon Race Recap... new PR for me!
Rochester Sprint Triathalon... race review... Finally!
Grand Island Half Marathon Recap
Philidelphia Half Marathon - Race Recap
Deseret News Marathon Race Review
My First Marathon... only took a year to write about it!
This Time Last Year... 10K Race Review
Buffalo Half Marathon Recap
The Rag... a play by play
Let's Review June... And A 5k
Rochester Half Marathon - Working On It
Running... Fleet Feet 15k
Maggie Lee 5k