Running In UT
One of the things I love about our UT vacation is the running.
It is always challenging, different and new. It's refreshing that way.
Pretty much everywhere I have been, with the exception of my mom's house, has been hilly, and not Clarence hilly, UT mountain hilly! It's crazy and I have had some really hard runs!
I've started doing 2/day workouts a couple times a week to get me ready for the Ragnar - Ultra that I'm doing in September.
Here is what my first two weeks looked like here.
Week 1 - Mom's (and some from home)
Mon and Tue were runs at home in Clarence. Wednesday was our travel day and Saturday we were up early and busy with the baptism I didn't work out those days, but Saturday was a very active day!
Friday I ran to my old high school, did a speed workout and some bleachers, then ran home.
This photo is from 2 years ago, how cute are those little boys?
I had some issues with hitting the lap on my watch, here and there, so this is broken up a little, but here is what my workout looked like.
2 miles warm up, 6- 400's, 3- 800's, 2 miles cool down.
Week 2 - Washington Terrace and Nephi
The first half of the week I ran in Washington Terrace, Wed I focused more on hills, although my elevation was greater on my Mon run.
I ran in the morning and evening on Friday in Nephi. My evening run felt better than many of the runs I've been on. I don't know if going out before breakfast is affecting me, or the heat, or the hills, elevation, I guess all of it is, but I have been challenged! Some of these runs have been hard! It felt good to have a nice, easy-feeling run, finally!
I've not intended to take Saturday's off, but it has worked out that way for most of my vacation. Saturday hits and I'm so stinking tired from all of our playing I have a hard time getting my butt out of bed to run!
I intend to be more regular when I get home and out of vacation mode. Trying to mix working hard with relaxing and enjoying myself!