Dirty Girl Buffalo... FF Link Up...
I did it, last night I signed up for The Philly Half! I hope to train smart and effectively. Not just putting in miles, but using my time for smart workouts. I'd of course like to PR!
My babe is in San Fran this week for a business conference. So bummed, especially with him leaving on a Sunday. We missed him all day long.
A couple of weeks ago I did the dirty... girl!
My BFF Molly did this last year with some other good friends, but I couldn't play... I had a different commitment... a wedding shoot. Pretty big stuff! Can't pass those up.
Still, it sounded like a great time and I hoped I could do it this year.
Yet again, another possible wedding booking AND Time Out For Women was going to be here that weekend, which I signed up to help with (so I could see my UT friend Tess!)
I didn't do early registration for obvious reasons.
My wedding client fell through, then a few weeks before the race TOFW was cancelled!
Bam, like that a free weekend!
If I'm being completely honest, which I will be... it's my blog...
Part of me didn't register because where is the challenge in this? I'm sorry.
Then, of course, I thought about all my girls and came to my senses. It doesn't matter if it's challenging or not, being with my girls is where it's at... for a reasonable cost! By the time I said I was 'in' all the pre-reg spots were filled. There is no way I'm paying the likes of a marathon fee for this, which is what it was looking like for a solo spot!
I decided to be the official photographer and just go to cheer the girls on...
That morning Molly came to pick me up and told me to grab my stuff, I was 'in' now! One of the gals couldn't run it so now I could... and for the more doable price of $40! Yahoo!
We all met up to don our race apparel. Molly and Amy designed and made the shirts! Love them! We each got a headband too!
We posed for pictures, then headed out!
The event was really close to us this year.
It was a bit cool that morning, the sun wasn't shining, but, what are you gonna do? Just go get muddy!
This is not a timed event. It's a muddy obstacle course. For some it's really scary, both the mud and climbing rope walls. For other's it's an opportunity to just drag their friends through the mud... literally!
I'm a little competitive. Not just that, I like to improve and better myself. I like to overcome challenge. For me, this thing would be loads of fun timed. Maybe I should look into a more serious event like this. Anyway... I digress.
Purpose = to be with girlfriends and have a great time!
Some of us really just had babies, others have asthma, some of us teach at the gym, one of us runs, and none of that matters here. We were all looking forward to a good time!
We got through registration super fast, totally impressed with each volunteer having an ipad to check us in with... We were one of the first groups to go, loved that!
We waited for Stacy, who drove from PA. Photo time, bag drop time, potty time, then to our marks!
This was held at a raceway. This is the end of the course, the beginning went around the exterior.
We started with a huge group of women an ran the first .25 mile. The first obstacle was the tire one, like the football drill. Feet through the tires. Totally dry, no mud, it was on the grass. We were a little confused by that, but just wait, the mud does come!
We ran to the next one which was a pool full of mud. We were all excited for that so we ran through, but some of us wanted to get dirty so we started kicking water/mud at each other. Sorry if it got in your eyes ladies!
We went up a big blow-up tower, through spider ropes, still not very muddy.
Then, our first mud crawl, where some ladies stood at the end and splashed mud in our faces as we came out! We also went through a waist high pool, went over a rope grid that was high and horizontal.
There was a bunch of screaming, laughing, taunting, flinging... who invited Laney!? :) She was great, when someone wasn't dirty enough she was on the move!
As we came into the race way we went over this obstacle. Jeff C was there to take photos... rock star!
I'm doing a Tarzan call right here!
That way over there is the rope climb. Amy did better than last year here, but is scared of heights! We all cheered her on and I of course yelled at her, good friend that I am... 'there's no crying in dirty girl'!!! You know from League of Their Own.. there's no crying in baseball! She did it!
There was another mud crawl then this thing...
You slide down the other side into a mud pit. Hilarious!
That was pretty much the end, one last pool. We chose to slither through!
We had a great time! They really should bring this to our area earlier in the year, because it wasn't warm! We all froze after!
It was all set up very well. Our last stop was the communal shower!
I'm so glad the water was warm. I wonder how it was later in the day.
It was a big tent with hoses! We hosed each other off as best as we could, laughing all the way!
I of course didn't feel clean until I came home and got in all the nooks and cranny's and my hair, oh my hair!!!
Overall a great time with the girls! I really enjoy obstacles. I'd like to try something harder for sure. I'd do this again for a small fee, I'd like to try to better our time, even if it's just us timing ourselves, but that's just me!
What did you do this weekend? Did you long run? I did... on the treadmill! Read all about my training over here...
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