Visiting Teaching Handout June - Virtue
The divine attribute of Christ this month is Virtue.
I appreciated the quotes this month, but pondered even more the question...
'How does virtue empower and strengthen us?'
We often think of virtue as chastity , which is only part of it's definition.
If we think of virtue as a conformity to a standard of right, a particular moral excellence, then the answer to the question above is a little easier to answer.
We know that when we live a higher standard, when our mind and body is clear and clean the Holy Ghost can reside with us, can speak to us, comfort us, inspire us, reveal truth and clarify.
This is empowering. This gives us strength.
Living virtuous is a choice, it requires effort. Choosing how we live is empowering, especially when it is right, it comes with good feelings.
The reward for that choice is companionship of the Holy Ghost. What better, more divine strength could we ask for?
Our own virtue can empower and strengthen us.
How does Christ's virtue heal, enable, strengthen, comfort and cheer us?

Full Definition of VIRTUE
1a: conformity to a standard of right :morality b: a particular moral excellence
2 plural: an order of angels — see celestial hierarchy
3: a beneficial quality or power of a thing
4: manly strength or courage :valor
5: a commendable quality or trait :merit
6: a capacity to act :potency
7: chastity especially in a woman
Again, we look to another part of the definition of virtue.
Because of who He is and the capacity He has, because of his qualities, nature and power, by virtue of who He is, He can do all these things for us.
When we can't do them on our own, when our virtue has left us we can be restored if we reach to Him in faith.
Handout ideas:
- Print out the quote and put it on the opposite side of this Simon Dewey print.
- Print out the quote and attach it to 'life savers' or a box of treats.