5 Things Friday - I Do, I Dislike, Images

Welcome to Five Things Friday.
A main purpose, for me, having this blog is to record my life and my family's life.
I print this thing out... it is our record!

Friday's are dedicated to keeping a record, in the tiniest of snippets if need be.
It seems the big moments hold place quite easily, it's the little everyday things that slip right out of memory, unless they are recorded somehow.

I love to write, to journal.  I always have.  Do you?
If you struggle with what to write I invite you to join in.  Use these prompts to tell and record your own life story.

Family happenings:
- Matt had his 40th birthday.
- O had his 7th birthday.
- The rest of our family went through their sickness.
- I had a nice visit with my new friend Florence.  I met her through Meals On Wheels.  I adore her!
- I watched many children, the couple of days we were between sickness!
- M and I went for a bike ride, my first of the year.  It felt so good.

5 things I do almost every day (besides cuddle my kids and kiss my husband):
- Run
- Clean off the bathroom countertop
- Laugh
- Pray
- Something on this computer (edit, blog, email)

5 things I really dislike:
- Blowdrying my hair
- When people call the LDS church a cult... I mean really?
- When people are dishonest with me
- Eating fish
- Self pity

5 images:
We don't even use these anymore, still I can't bring myself to take them down.
On the back of the closet door in our bathroom are my little girl hair accessories.
Both Q and I still put pretties in our hair, although most of these are really 'little girl'.  
As I take them down I say goodbye to my little girl.  Oh how I loved doing her hair and making pretty things for her hair...

O brought home 20-ish books to read over the break.
I love reading with him, but woa, where is the 'break' part of Spring Break? 

I love these white tulips.  They are finally giving up.  They have been beautiful in my home.

We have our kids do chores each week and at our family meeting we pay them.  They put 10% of their money away for tithing, 50% to savings and 40% to spending money.  Each of them have a little mason jar, with a felt sticker initial, to hold their tithing until we take it to church to pay it.

Today I am enjoying some craft time at my scrap desk.  I totally made a card!  I can't tell you the last time I did that!

Join me!
What are your 5 on Friday?
Either link up or share in my comments!
I'd love to hear about you.