It's About Stinkin' Time!

I have run alone for years! 
YEARS I tell you!
It has been hard for me to find someone who is as into running as I am, AND who is around my same pace!

I used to run with my friend Nancy.
Those were the years I pushed my stroller, and ran just 3 miles a few times a week.
Our lives both changed.
My pace and intensity changed.
And since then I have run alone.

I love running, it really doesn't matter if I'm alone.  It centers me, clears my head, releases feelings.  It's medatative.
I have felt little pangs of jealousy, though, hearing my good friend Haley tell me about the ladies in her running group.  They have become such good friends, they race together, meet up to run often.

I can't lie, it's been something I've wanted for a long time.
Anyone to run with, even once a week!


Let me introduce you to Natalie!
She's beatiful right?  I hate standing next to such pretty people first thing in the morning... or ever!!!

She and her hubbs moved in a few months ago. 
As I introduced myself to her and asked her what she likes to do the first thing she said was run.

If that is one of the first things you tell people when you meet them, you may really be a runner!

Right away... of course trying to keep my cool and not seem like a crazy stalker... I invited her to go running!  We met up that next Tuesday and ran 8 miles!

It was glorious!  Now, mind you, I was still trying to get back to my 'norm'.  I felt like I was slowing her down, but she is great and assured me she is not worried about time... enter crazy runner that I am!  WHAT? 

I hope to be able to push her to find her speed demon... she's 100% capable of more! 
She has pushed me, gotten me out of my slump, and made me want to be better.

I simply am in heaven!  It is so fun to run with someone!

It has taken some practice learning to talk and run and breathe!  I've not had to do that!  I pace myself and breathe! 

In the hours you spend together, a special friendship forms.  A runner friendship, where nothing is off-limits!  This woman has already become a favorite part of my week.

Saturday we ran 12 together.  Loved it!

I felt strong at the end of that run.  We finished at 1:39.

I have some work to do to get back to my race pace at this distance, (I'd like to be finishing 13 at around this time) but I haven't run 12 yet this year so I'm gonna say we're good!  That time is just fine! 

Are you a runner?
Have you seen this feature on USATF?

I may be the last runner on earth that doesn't have a Garmin, I'm ok w/ that! 
I have used this map feature for years and have all of my routes memorized.
Try it!

Do you have a running partner or group?  How did you find them?