Forgiveness First, Then An Elect Lady
I read the 25 section of Doctrine and Covenants a couple of weeks ago and wanted to make sure to write my feeling and impressions this time around...
This section speaks volumes...
2 A revelation I give unto you concerning my will; and if thou art faithful and walk in the paths of virtue before me, I will preserve thy life, and thou shalt receive an inheritance in Zion.
Virtue. It seems a fleeting characteristic these days right? Gods law remains even today, and his reward still, for those who obey...
Anyone looking in on Emma Smith may think poor Emma, she took on a lot didn't she? Would she have signed up, married Joseph, if she knew truly what was coming? The road was hard for her... it was hard for Joseph. We see her strength, but also empathize for her and her struggles.
So when the Lord tells her, first, in v3 that her sins are forgiven, then second, that she is an elect lady... at first it seems a little backwards. Don't you lift first, reassure and tell her she's an elect lady... then tell her her sins are forgiven?
The footnote on 'sins' takes us to Matthew 9:2.
This is the story of Jesus healing the man with palsy. In this verse he says 'be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiven thee'. What? This man has a physical ailment... clearly he came to healed physically. That is what everyone expected.

Jesus asks them
5 For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk?
Really, which is easier? For our Savior probably easier to heal this man physically and send him off. But he was trying to make a point. He also, more importantly, has the power to cleanse us from sin.
Physical ailments may be uncomfortable for us to experience, but they ultimately won't keep us from entering into the presence of our Heavenly Father.
Sin, on the other hand... will completely keep us from Him, if we don't seek forgiveness.
Which healing are we most in need of?
Jesus wanted them to know that He has power to do both.
6 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.
7 And he arose, and departed to his house.
Why would the Lord want Emma to know this? Why forgive her first?
I look at myself and my weakness with my own spouse. Sometimes I judge, sometimes I get mad and impatient. Sometimes I am selfish and just wish he'd be how I want him to be. Sometimes I focus on me, and the things I'm missing out on, or what he's doing/not doing for me...
All of these things are reasons for me to seek forgiveness. Aren't judgement, pride and selfishness reasons to seek forgiveness... Yes, they are!
And the Lord forgives first... before I am an elect lady.
Really that is when I am most elect isn't it? When I've been sanctified through His atonement?
Next the Lord tells Emma to be a comfort to her husband. To support him, to beware of pride, to be meek, to delight in her husband.
Honestly, after 15 years of marriage, I'm like, really? Where is MY appreciation!!!
I watched a tender moment a few weeks ago in institute/bible study. Our instructor (who has been married to his sweet wife for many years) told us to appreciate our husbands. We laughed and he said what we were all thinking, you may feel that he needs to appreciate you, but appreciate them. He admitted that men don't like to tell us that they need that, but they do.
He then teared up a little and told us that no matter how many times he's told his wife, or showed her, she would never really understand how deeply he loves her... um, I cried.

I came home and called Matt at work and told him that I appreciate him, and why.
I also told him about Leon sharing his love for his wife with us.
I hear my husband tell me he loves me... Why I can't hold onto that or feel it as deeply as I need to sometimes is beyond me. It could be behaviors, it could be insecurities... blah blah... but he's told me... I know he feels it... why do I doubt that over and again?
We are just different creatures and I think women certainly need the reassurance more than men... and because they don't really need it, they don't really give it.
But, I had a moment. It's my choice to believe. Seeing that man tenderly speak of his wife helped me see into my own husbands heart. It was a good thing.
Doesn't this wisdom, given by the Lord to Emma strengthen a marriage? Forget yourself. Support your partner... stop thinking of yourself... think of them. They feel loved and whole and give back. Wise... the Lord is wise.
There is much in this section, indeed. My understanding is increased.