I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I'm a Mormon!
I recently filled out my profile page at Mormon.Org.
One of the questions on there is: Why I Am A Mormon. In just a few sentences this is my answer...
The restored gospel of Jesus Christ quenches my thirst to know truth.
There is a part of human nature that wants to exceed, to surpass. Inside this gospel is the constant opportunity to better the person I am becoming.
As I strive for that, and continue to change who I am, I am rewarded with an intimate knowledge of my Savior, as he picks up pieces I can't hold, fills in gaps I can't see, sustains when I can't stand, heals when I break, comforts when I hurt, and fills my soul with joy when I obey.
I have faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it affects all facets of my life, as faith should.
Put simply, this gospel makes me happy! It makes sense to my mind, resonates with my soul and makes me feel whole and complete.
I love talking about what I believe. If you ever have questions, I'd love to answer them as best I can!