Halloween and some thanks
I know, Halloween was forever ago, but I will still post about it! How about that?
I got to go to Q's room for her class party on Friday. Loved being there, we don't get many chances to help out so I was thrilled to go in. We helped get the kids dressed up and helped w/ treats. The second grade got to go to the auditorium and parade for each other. Back in the room Mrs. Johnston handed out awards for various contests they held. One was a coloring contest, Q didn't win, but was top 3. Another was guessing how many pieces of candy in a jar. Q tied w/ another boy, only 16 pieces off, they split the prize. She also won for best story. It was so cute to watch her face go bright red as her teacher started reading her story. It was a great little story about a pumpkin that was picked, named Jacki. The girl that picked her was Q and the pupkin thought she was a vampire, but she was just dressed up... a great little story. I was so proud, seriously had some wet eyes! That girl doesn't give herself near enough credit. I loved that I was there for that.
The kids loved the story, they were all laughing.

Look, she's a bit embarrassed

I'm so proud of my girl

I didn't get to go in for G's party, we were both bummed about that. I did stop in his room to say hi, and we saw each other in the hall. Plus, I came to get him to take him home w/ me instead of the bus. I'm sure I'll get to go in at some point.
Molly took the little boys since I had taken Tyce when she went in.
Saturday I took the big kids over to the church for the trunk-or-treat. We didn't think it wise to take the little boys, it can be madness, plus Matt wasn't feeling so well and wanted to stay home. They had a great time, played games and ran around. Here are my cuties right before we left.
The vampire...

And the bat...

I bought Q's costume and made G's bat wings and ears out of an umbrella. I like how it turned out. I think part of the fun of Halloween is making your costumes, although I don't normally do that!
I actually put a little effort into my trunk this year. I brought my huge wreath (I created it this year, recycled) and added pumpkins. Not super great, but it was effort, and I won a prize! Here is the wreath I created. It had an old 90's flower arrangement on it. I took it and spray painted it purple, sprayed glue on it and sprinkled orange glitter on it, then added all my goodies. I may need more, the thing is just so large scale. I do love the result, I must say!

Sunday afternoon we went to the C's for dinner and trick-or-treating. M stayed home again. This time because the boys were sick. O had a temp Saturday night and E had one that morning. M still felt yuck so he stayed home and I took the big kids again. Dinner was yum. We always do soups and such. My rolls sucked, I just didn't have enough time after I got home from church. I made bacon-potoato chowder, rolls and something else... oh well. After eating we got ready and headed out. The kids all took off w/ a couple of the dads. I didn't even see mine until they were done. I hung out w/ the ladies and the little kids, we took it slow! The kids had a great time trading candy afterwards, oh the joys. It was good times.

Love this photo. Straight out of the camera, no edits done yet, now that is a good shot. Happy Halloween!

5 thanks
-fantastic weather today
-to have my costumes all squared away for the seniors. I was nervous I would have problems since everyone needs a different costume. We're doing Alice in Wonderland this year.
-got shutters and windows cleaned. it was nice to be able to work outside, the cleaning goes much quicker w/ the hose.
-scripture insight
-chalkboard paint
I got to go to Q's room for her class party on Friday. Loved being there, we don't get many chances to help out so I was thrilled to go in. We helped get the kids dressed up and helped w/ treats. The second grade got to go to the auditorium and parade for each other. Back in the room Mrs. Johnston handed out awards for various contests they held. One was a coloring contest, Q didn't win, but was top 3. Another was guessing how many pieces of candy in a jar. Q tied w/ another boy, only 16 pieces off, they split the prize. She also won for best story. It was so cute to watch her face go bright red as her teacher started reading her story. It was a great little story about a pumpkin that was picked, named Jacki. The girl that picked her was Q and the pupkin thought she was a vampire, but she was just dressed up... a great little story. I was so proud, seriously had some wet eyes! That girl doesn't give herself near enough credit. I loved that I was there for that.
The kids loved the story, they were all laughing.
Look, she's a bit embarrassed
I'm so proud of my girl
I didn't get to go in for G's party, we were both bummed about that. I did stop in his room to say hi, and we saw each other in the hall. Plus, I came to get him to take him home w/ me instead of the bus. I'm sure I'll get to go in at some point.
Molly took the little boys since I had taken Tyce when she went in.
Saturday I took the big kids over to the church for the trunk-or-treat. We didn't think it wise to take the little boys, it can be madness, plus Matt wasn't feeling so well and wanted to stay home. They had a great time, played games and ran around. Here are my cuties right before we left.
The vampire...
And the bat...
I bought Q's costume and made G's bat wings and ears out of an umbrella. I like how it turned out. I think part of the fun of Halloween is making your costumes, although I don't normally do that!
I actually put a little effort into my trunk this year. I brought my huge wreath (I created it this year, recycled) and added pumpkins. Not super great, but it was effort, and I won a prize! Here is the wreath I created. It had an old 90's flower arrangement on it. I took it and spray painted it purple, sprayed glue on it and sprinkled orange glitter on it, then added all my goodies. I may need more, the thing is just so large scale. I do love the result, I must say!
Sunday afternoon we went to the C's for dinner and trick-or-treating. M stayed home again. This time because the boys were sick. O had a temp Saturday night and E had one that morning. M still felt yuck so he stayed home and I took the big kids again. Dinner was yum. We always do soups and such. My rolls sucked, I just didn't have enough time after I got home from church. I made bacon-potoato chowder, rolls and something else... oh well. After eating we got ready and headed out. The kids all took off w/ a couple of the dads. I didn't even see mine until they were done. I hung out w/ the ladies and the little kids, we took it slow! The kids had a great time trading candy afterwards, oh the joys. It was good times.
Love this photo. Straight out of the camera, no edits done yet, now that is a good shot. Happy Halloween!
5 thanks
-fantastic weather today
-to have my costumes all squared away for the seniors. I was nervous I would have problems since everyone needs a different costume. We're doing Alice in Wonderland this year.
-got shutters and windows cleaned. it was nice to be able to work outside, the cleaning goes much quicker w/ the hose.
-scripture insight
-chalkboard paint