
-E loves blueberries. He eats them every meal. He has been a little more finicky with eating, I've noticed since I've been home. He was brave and would eat anything, it's tougher to get him to eat anything right now.

-I am still giddy from last night. M called around 4 to say he was almost home and I needed clarification (Pennsylvania or Main Street close). He stopped and got us stuff for a BBQ and came home! Yea! I thought I'd be spending another evening alone waiting for him to get home late. We made our fav cucumber and tomato salad, sliced open the watermelon, grilled our meat, boiled some corn and ate outside. The weather was perfect. I loved it! We played UNO with the kids, put them to bed then snuggled up and watched 'The Blind Side' last night. It was a good movie, got M all excited for football to start.

-Q is loving Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and who wouldn't with all of that sugar! She is also thrilled she got to see Toy Story 3 yesterday at her friend Elle's bday party.

-G is still on edge around bugs. He woke up last night in a sweat and was all anxious because he got bit... on the butt... yesterday while we were outside. It was crazy! He held is butt and said 'what's happening'? I was confused, then he started screaming. I jumped off the tramp and pulled down his pants to see what was hiding in there. I guess he didn't like that and screamed he wanted to go inside, then got bit again. Poor thing. I'm still not sure what it was, but he did have a couple of welts on his hiney! He is a little wussy when it comes to stuff like that and it took us a while to calm him down.

-O loves to say 'ehind you' and will respond whenever you ask a question like, where is your sippy? where is G? He also likes to say 'let's see' and says it when he's coloring or looking for something. So cute!

-I am excited to not have to set aside many hours to run! My big race is over and I'll start training for a marathon next week, but for today... no running! This will be a nice relaxing Saturday.

-I get to go out w/ my man. Love date night and it is well timed this week since we haven't been together for a long time, w/ me out of town then him.

-I am still trying not to think about and anticipate the pain of my best friend Marci leaving me. I gotta stop making friends w/ people that leave, although I would NOT trade these last two years w/ her for anything. LOVE her.

-I am more dedicated to recording my memories. These little things are forgotten so quickly.