I did this layout in 2005.
I don't remember what inspired it at that time, but this is the art I created.
I am at a different place in my life, but the feelings are familiar.

I took the photo of a statue I have. The photo flips up to reveal this, quite lengthy, journaling...
As a dancer you know when you have reached it...balance. Everything is on and you could hold there endlessly. But, you don’t, you move on, you continue, then, you try to find it again.
My life is the same, looking for balance. I know when I have reached it, all is calm and smooth. It doesn’t last long, and before I know it I’m on the search again for balance.
In a piece of choreography there is no satisfaction from constant balance. It is the rise and fall, the here and there, the chaos then calm that makes a piece enjoyable to watch. Such is life. Constant balance would be boring, uneventful, and stagnant. It is loosing it then finding it again that makes this process of life a learning experience, a process for growth, a journey.
I purchased this figurine initially because of my love of dance. As I look at it now it is a reminder to me that finding balance in my life is a constant process. And, it’s okay that I’m constantly trying to find it. Through finding it time and again I am learning, growing, evaluating, rearranging and progressing.
Even the finest of dancers are on a constant mission of finding balance. There is a great satisfaction in those moments when it is found. But the greater joy to me is the movement and flow that lead up to that moment, and then the glance back afterwards. Knowing that I found it and confident that I’ll find it again.
This little figurine is my reminder. I’ll continue and I’ll find it again.
I have been a mother for six years now.
Motherhood has and continues to teach me so much.
I am such a different, better, person in so many ways thanks to motherhood.
The first few weeks of bringing home a new baby are special, I love the feeling that exists in my home each time a new little person is added.
There is also a different feeling that arises as you bring home a new little one, that feeling of finding your footing again.
Things are no longer 'normal' and routine, the dynamics have changed and new elements have presented themselves. None of which are bad, just new. There is now a new 'normal' and the things that were well placed before are now resettling into a different spot.
I have a lot on my plate at this time in my life, and then I had a baby!!! I need to find it again, where everything fits, what I need to get rid of, what the priorities are, how to fit it all into one day... I need to find my balance.
I don't remember what inspired it at that time, but this is the art I created.
I am at a different place in my life, but the feelings are familiar.
I took the photo of a statue I have. The photo flips up to reveal this, quite lengthy, journaling...
As a dancer you know when you have reached it...balance. Everything is on and you could hold there endlessly. But, you don’t, you move on, you continue, then, you try to find it again.
My life is the same, looking for balance. I know when I have reached it, all is calm and smooth. It doesn’t last long, and before I know it I’m on the search again for balance.
In a piece of choreography there is no satisfaction from constant balance. It is the rise and fall, the here and there, the chaos then calm that makes a piece enjoyable to watch. Such is life. Constant balance would be boring, uneventful, and stagnant. It is loosing it then finding it again that makes this process of life a learning experience, a process for growth, a journey.
I purchased this figurine initially because of my love of dance. As I look at it now it is a reminder to me that finding balance in my life is a constant process. And, it’s okay that I’m constantly trying to find it. Through finding it time and again I am learning, growing, evaluating, rearranging and progressing.
Even the finest of dancers are on a constant mission of finding balance. There is a great satisfaction in those moments when it is found. But the greater joy to me is the movement and flow that lead up to that moment, and then the glance back afterwards. Knowing that I found it and confident that I’ll find it again.
This little figurine is my reminder. I’ll continue and I’ll find it again.
I have been a mother for six years now.
Motherhood has and continues to teach me so much.
I am such a different, better, person in so many ways thanks to motherhood.
The first few weeks of bringing home a new baby are special, I love the feeling that exists in my home each time a new little person is added.
There is also a different feeling that arises as you bring home a new little one, that feeling of finding your footing again.
Things are no longer 'normal' and routine, the dynamics have changed and new elements have presented themselves. None of which are bad, just new. There is now a new 'normal' and the things that were well placed before are now resettling into a different spot.
I have a lot on my plate at this time in my life, and then I had a baby!!! I need to find it again, where everything fits, what I need to get rid of, what the priorities are, how to fit it all into one day... I need to find my balance.