One month and a dr. apt.
I am a few days late, but little E turned one month on Monday.

(These are the monthly photos of the rocking chair, to track how little man grows.)
To celebrate we headed to the doctor!
I killed two birds with one stone and had O's one year apt at the same time.
Did you know you can burn some serious calories doing a double Dr apt?
I left the office sweating... profusely!
We started with O... undress him while E is still in stroller, weigh and measure.
Then on to child number two. Set O down and let naked boy crawl around while undressing E.
Continue to let naked child roam while we weigh and measure E.
Both back into our room.
Fortunately our fabulous Dr didn't make us wait and was right in to examine both guys.
We started with O who showed off for a moment with his balancing and walking skills. He then cried with dismay while he was poked and prodded.
I tried to keep him happy while E was examined.
We did snacks and bouncing...
That went pretty smooth.
Little E was mild while he was checked out. He's easy!
Neither boy weighed in at a hefty amount the Dr was pleased with.
O has started moving around so he's exerting more and not taking in much more. We'll try to beef his solids a bit.
E is just down right bitty! He gained about 12 oz in this first month. Ummmm....
Dr, mom, dad, and I assume baby, are all feeling good about switching to the ba-ba. E should gain some weight now! I was beginning to feel sad that he was still in his newborn clothes. I have a bunch of 0-3 for him to wear before summer hits! This week he is finally ready to switch over!
The final hurdle at the Dr was shots.
After waiting a stinkin' 15 minutes we were all about at the end of our rope. Keeping a 1 yr old entertained in a confined space is a feat! Plus little E was getting hungry!
When the guy finally came in I was faced with the question of who to do first.
Hmmmm, who will need less comfort and consoling?
Can you really ask yourself that question?
We went with E first. I figured I could love him better and he'd be over it and done. O on the other hand has more of a concept of pain, and with that a bit more intensity about receiving it!
I loved my E after his shot... and he didn't stop crying! I guess hunger and pain outweigh a mother's hurried love!
The guy waited patiently to do child number two. I figured it best to just get it done and get out of there, so I lay my crying child down and held my O while he received his shots. He of course cried, then calmed down, then cried again when I set him down to get E dressed!
With two crying children and some sweaty stinky pits we headed to check out.
The silly lady sat there and tried to schedule my next apt.
I asked her calmly if I could just call to set our next apt. She looked at me puzzled. I told her my babies were crying, little E ready to eat, I needed to leave.
Funny that she admitted she didn't even notice. I guess when you see it all the time you block certain things out!
Whew, glad that's over! Can't wait to do it again next month!
(These are the monthly photos of the rocking chair, to track how little man grows.)
To celebrate we headed to the doctor!
I killed two birds with one stone and had O's one year apt at the same time.
Did you know you can burn some serious calories doing a double Dr apt?
I left the office sweating... profusely!
We started with O... undress him while E is still in stroller, weigh and measure.
Then on to child number two. Set O down and let naked boy crawl around while undressing E.
Continue to let naked child roam while we weigh and measure E.
Both back into our room.
Fortunately our fabulous Dr didn't make us wait and was right in to examine both guys.
We started with O who showed off for a moment with his balancing and walking skills. He then cried with dismay while he was poked and prodded.
I tried to keep him happy while E was examined.
We did snacks and bouncing...
That went pretty smooth.
Little E was mild while he was checked out. He's easy!
Neither boy weighed in at a hefty amount the Dr was pleased with.
O has started moving around so he's exerting more and not taking in much more. We'll try to beef his solids a bit.
E is just down right bitty! He gained about 12 oz in this first month. Ummmm....
Dr, mom, dad, and I assume baby, are all feeling good about switching to the ba-ba. E should gain some weight now! I was beginning to feel sad that he was still in his newborn clothes. I have a bunch of 0-3 for him to wear before summer hits! This week he is finally ready to switch over!
The final hurdle at the Dr was shots.
After waiting a stinkin' 15 minutes we were all about at the end of our rope. Keeping a 1 yr old entertained in a confined space is a feat! Plus little E was getting hungry!
When the guy finally came in I was faced with the question of who to do first.
Hmmmm, who will need less comfort and consoling?
Can you really ask yourself that question?
We went with E first. I figured I could love him better and he'd be over it and done. O on the other hand has more of a concept of pain, and with that a bit more intensity about receiving it!
I loved my E after his shot... and he didn't stop crying! I guess hunger and pain outweigh a mother's hurried love!
The guy waited patiently to do child number two. I figured it best to just get it done and get out of there, so I lay my crying child down and held my O while he received his shots. He of course cried, then calmed down, then cried again when I set him down to get E dressed!
With two crying children and some sweaty stinky pits we headed to check out.
The silly lady sat there and tried to schedule my next apt.
I asked her calmly if I could just call to set our next apt. She looked at me puzzled. I told her my babies were crying, little E ready to eat, I needed to leave.
Funny that she admitted she didn't even notice. I guess when you see it all the time you block certain things out!
Whew, glad that's over! Can't wait to do it again next month!