I need to get out!
I've felt trapped in my house!
My G is sick and it's rainy outside so we've been stuck.
There has been much need for "mommy" time, being sick and all.
I need to escape.
I've found it in great music.
I've seriously been on a quest and I've been finding great stuff, stuff that resonates and talks to me.
It's been good.

I'm back at my desk and the paper is out.
I haven't scrapped in SUCH a long time.
I'm working on a mini book that holds my trip to Chicago in it.
I found a great deal on some CK transparencies a while back and they will make a great mini book.
I did complete 4 CJ's and got them mailed off.

My niece Chelsie just underwent a very intense back surgery...metal rods for her scoliosis.
They couldn't find a pain med that she would respond to so the whole first day was awful for her... and her mother, who couldn't ease the pain.
She seems to have turned a corner, but if you could keep her in your thoughts that would be nice.

I am working on a new site for my photography since photosite is shutting down. It's taken me a while to find something user friendly that I like. AND, it's still 'hobby' enough that I can't justify spending a ton of money on a real website! Who knows if I'll ever feel "professional"! Whatever!

My throat is beginning to hurt. Oh, please! I don't have time to be sick!

Thanks for stopping by!