Woa nellie!

And I thought last week would be a slow one! Nope!

I taught preschool last week and as the 'organizer' got us all ready for the month.
Let's see what else... I babysat some kids, G got sick so I spent a day holding him, getting ready for classes, meetings...

Matt's car broke down right before Thursday's preschool began. Poor guy, stranded in a storm. That was quite the fiasco. We recently spent $300 on an alternator that was apparently faulty! And just for the record that rumor about Buffalo being so neighborly only happens when tragedy hits. Matt asked two people to help him push his car off the off ramp and no one would help him... so $100 later we were towed out of the way. It was a long, rough day!

This week for date night we went our separate ways. I went to a crop, after running some errands, and geek that I am, go there with only a little time to spare before they finished! Lovely! I did get to meet Kim and Elizabeth and enjoyed visiting! I am so excited to know scrappers as obsessed as I am in my area! This will become a monthly event I hope! I still need to meet Judi and Melissa.

Saturday was wonderful. We went and picked out our tree and decked the halls! We usually get a Douglas Fir, but went with a different tree this year. I don't remember what kind it is, but we like it!

Our ward Christmas party was last night. Good times.

AND I was tagged by the Opel's, so here goes...

A - Available or single: Isn't that the same thing? I'm married, happily!
B - Best friend: Matt, for sure!
C - Cake or pie: Hmmm pie, but only if it's French Silk
D - Drink of choice: Diet Cherry Coke and good ol' water
E - Essential item you use everyday: My halogen desk lamp
F - Favorite color: Red
G - Gummy bears or worms: Both, love all things full of sugar and chewy!
H - Hometown: WVC, UT
I - Indulgence: TV time watching Beverly Hills 90210 and shopping
J - January or February: February
K - Kids & names: Yes, little Q and little G
L - Life is incomplete without? Affection from my love and kids, my Savior, creating and good friends
M - Marriage date: 9-6-97
N - Number of siblings: 6
O - Oranges or apples: Both, but I am very anal about my oranges so I have to make sure there is ample time to 'get sticky' as I have to peel everything from the only part I eat, which is the pulp!
P - Phobias or fears: Anything awful happening to my children
Q - Fave quote: I can't think of one right now!
R - Reasons to smile: getting mail, completing a project
S - Season: I used to be strictly a summer gal, but fall (with the exception of this year here in Buff) is becoming my favorite
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: Lenni, Kim, Joni, Jess
U - Unknown fact about me: I still remember being terrified at night thinking of Sloth from "Goonies". He gave me nightmares for months!
V- Vegetable you don't like: Yams
W - Worst habit: Interrupting, I'm getting better though!
X - Xrays: Um, what?
Y - Your fave food: Thai, well one specific dish from "Jasmine" actually. Very good!
Z - Zodiac sign: Leo/Virgo I'm actually right on the cusp with time born and all! That would explain my dual personality eh?

That reminds me that I never did that tag from you Jess... and I just looked at my friend Kristen's blog and she tagged me a couple of days ago. By the way CONGRATULATIONS Kristen! I can't wait to meet your little guy!

Well, it feels good to have the blog updated. I do have photos to share sometime soon!
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