Happy Anniversary to me and my blogger
May 21, 2005 was my first post.
Man how time flies, and oh, how things change.
I'm back from my fabulous trip.
I am grateful for my AWESOME husband who watched the kids for a week while I flew away to bond with the girls of UT as well as some family.
I had such a good time. I feel refreshed. My heart feels full. I'm happy to be home.
Wednesday* I flew in and, as noted before, got to spend time with just my mom and dad. It was good to visit with them and just be their daughter, all by myself.
Thursday* Lynette and I shopped and talked and ate and laughed. I got this huge star to put in my home. It was interesting trying to get it here, but it is, and oh how I love it. Love Lynette so much! She is my oldest friend. I had my mom take a few photos of us.
Lenni and me

Joey, Tennisa, Allison and I went up to Park City and ate first. After finding our condo, which was so completely beautiful, we went shopping and met up with Jen, Stephanie and Kelly.
It's so interesting how being with old friends, good friends, after so much time has passed, feels familiar, feels the same. I love, so much all of these women that I hardly ever see. They have etched a place in my heart so definitely that not even time could ware it away.
We scrapped all night long. We laughed hysterically until 3am. We were like high school girls all over again. It was the best!
Friday* We scrapped, went downtown for a late lunch, came back and scrapped again. I, of course struggled with the 'crop' part of things... until I threw in the towel on my own stuff and worked on someone else's. I ended up doing four pages. I should have done that from the beginning. It was a little piece of me they could take home!
Here are the ones I got done.




And, here is where we stayed. The Canyons in PC. This is a photo from our our window. Does it not take your breath away? Look at those mountains. Majesty. The place was just faaaabulous!

Saturday* We scrapped in the morning and after lunch headed out. I went home with Jen. We met up with her family for dinner. It was so great being with them. She totally got me interested in Gray's Anatomy. I will be watching next fall. Thanks Jen!
Sunday* I did a little bit of a photo shoot for my friends, in between Chris' meetings! I need to spend some time proofing them, but here are just a couple of favs that popped out...

I met up with my sis and we drove back to my mom's for a baby shower for Wendy, my SIL. It was great. I took photos of my brother and his wife, got to visit with my family, saw my aunts I haven't seen in such a long time, as well as some old friends from church.

After visiting we all went to see my brother's house, they have been doing some remodeling.
I was bummed not being able to spend a lot of time with my sister, but I will get more time in July.
Monday* I went up to visit one last friend, Jess. We went shopping too! I got some great stuff. We also hit Chick-fil-A, an old favorite! It was so good to visit with her. Love you Jess!
I went and saw Lenni one more time. Got some great product from her, please check out her stuff!
I went to try to ship my big star, but it was way too expensive. I ended up checking it at the airport and carrying my big bag as a carry on. It was tough hauling that all over the place.
Monday evening I went to my brother Kendal's house and hung out with them all night. They are so funny. I loved hanging out. I wish I could spend more time with them.
I packed up Monday night, with the help of my mom and all day Tuesday traveled home.
I was greeted by my sweet family, complete with little name signs. It is good to be home. My kids seemed to have changed with just a week! I am blessed. I have much to be thankful for.
Man how time flies, and oh, how things change.
I'm back from my fabulous trip.
I am grateful for my AWESOME husband who watched the kids for a week while I flew away to bond with the girls of UT as well as some family.
I had such a good time. I feel refreshed. My heart feels full. I'm happy to be home.
Wednesday* I flew in and, as noted before, got to spend time with just my mom and dad. It was good to visit with them and just be their daughter, all by myself.
Thursday* Lynette and I shopped and talked and ate and laughed. I got this huge star to put in my home. It was interesting trying to get it here, but it is, and oh how I love it. Love Lynette so much! She is my oldest friend. I had my mom take a few photos of us.
Lenni and me

Joey, Tennisa, Allison and I went up to Park City and ate first. After finding our condo, which was so completely beautiful, we went shopping and met up with Jen, Stephanie and Kelly.
It's so interesting how being with old friends, good friends, after so much time has passed, feels familiar, feels the same. I love, so much all of these women that I hardly ever see. They have etched a place in my heart so definitely that not even time could ware it away.
We scrapped all night long. We laughed hysterically until 3am. We were like high school girls all over again. It was the best!
Friday* We scrapped, went downtown for a late lunch, came back and scrapped again. I, of course struggled with the 'crop' part of things... until I threw in the towel on my own stuff and worked on someone else's. I ended up doing four pages. I should have done that from the beginning. It was a little piece of me they could take home!
Here are the ones I got done.




And, here is where we stayed. The Canyons in PC. This is a photo from our our window. Does it not take your breath away? Look at those mountains. Majesty. The place was just faaaabulous!

Saturday* We scrapped in the morning and after lunch headed out. I went home with Jen. We met up with her family for dinner. It was so great being with them. She totally got me interested in Gray's Anatomy. I will be watching next fall. Thanks Jen!
Sunday* I did a little bit of a photo shoot for my friends, in between Chris' meetings! I need to spend some time proofing them, but here are just a couple of favs that popped out...

I met up with my sis and we drove back to my mom's for a baby shower for Wendy, my SIL. It was great. I took photos of my brother and his wife, got to visit with my family, saw my aunts I haven't seen in such a long time, as well as some old friends from church.

After visiting we all went to see my brother's house, they have been doing some remodeling.
I was bummed not being able to spend a lot of time with my sister, but I will get more time in July.
Monday* I went up to visit one last friend, Jess. We went shopping too! I got some great stuff. We also hit Chick-fil-A, an old favorite! It was so good to visit with her. Love you Jess!
I went and saw Lenni one more time. Got some great product from her, please check out her stuff!
I went to try to ship my big star, but it was way too expensive. I ended up checking it at the airport and carrying my big bag as a carry on. It was tough hauling that all over the place.
Monday evening I went to my brother Kendal's house and hung out with them all night. They are so funny. I loved hanging out. I wish I could spend more time with them.
I packed up Monday night, with the help of my mom and all day Tuesday traveled home.
I was greeted by my sweet family, complete with little name signs. It is good to be home. My kids seemed to have changed with just a week! I am blessed. I have much to be thankful for.