No one can take my place.
WARNING... longwinded journaling ahead... please don't feel like you HAVE to read it all...
I like to do the challenges posted Here. I have a few ideas for layouts (I'll get to the lack of production in a moment).
My first 'observation' was last night at church. I observed our Enrichment Night activity. It was great. We had a wonderful speaker that talked about no one being able to take our place, how each of us has a spot to fill, a mission to accomplish, a work to do. It's reassuring to believe that isn't it? I observed much and will try to scrap it.
I also 'observed' this morning as I ran. I did a layout for that one today, well, tried to. This brings me to the 'lack of production' portion of today's programming! I did a layout. It's not great, but as I look at it I'm not sure I'd change anything. Okay, there are things I could do differently if I were to do it again, but I won't. This is a constant battle for me. Who in the world am I scrapping for? What do I care if other people like the things I am doing? Silly as it seems, it's a struggle.
It's not a new concept for me, needing validation. It was the same thing when I was dancing. I felt confident as I danced, but really didn't feel like I was 'good' until someone outside praised me. But what is 'good' in the scrapping realm? Is it being published? I've done that a few times (8 if anyone is counting :)) and I still don't feel like I'm 'good'. What can one do? The confidence comes from me alone. The freedom from caring is only found in me. I'll keep working on it. Stay focused... and above all try to enjoy. Create.
My little brother has been the recipient of countless jokes regarding Mr. Snakemaker. After standing up and yelling at the top of his lungs "SNAKE, SNAKE, SNAKE", the name just stuck. He was very little at the time and one could easily mistake what he saw... in the bathtub... after he cleaned himself out... as a snake!
Well, today a new little guy has been named Mr. Snakemaker. That would be my little guy. He didn't stand up and yell snake, but he did however, go ahead and clean himself out... in the tub!
He was pretty shocked, I think it may have been a first sighting for him. Shortly after I was notified of the intruder, there was mass hysteria in our bathroom. Two little people completely afraid that the 'snake', we'll call it, was going to get them!
All fun stopped there and we went into turbo wash mode to get them both out. Then, I tried not to vomit as I disposed of 'the snake'.
Matt mowed the lawn tonight for the first time this season. We have mucho weeds. Gotta get a nice looking lawn.
I met Kyung Ah today (I have no idea if I spelled that right). She is from South Korea. I met Bin last night, also from South Korea. Both beautiful women. I love getting to know new people.
Matt bought our plane tickets for our trip to UT in July. We need to work out all of the details with fammy.
Talked to my SIL Kathy today. They just moved to Minnesota. Love that gal! She is so easy to talk to. I hope we can meet up together in UT this summer.
I can't believe April is almost over.
Describe your wedding day
Perfect. Long. First bride of the day. Quiet. Anxious. Calm. Peaceful. Hectic. Funny. Perfect. Warm. Powerful. Respectful.
It was the perfect day.
We were up early. It was still dark when we got to the temple. We were in the waiting area and a sweet old man took a photo of us.
Whiteout on my recommend, changing my name from Cooper to McAfee.
Sitting with Matt waiting to enter the Celestial room, talking with our sealer.
Seeing friends and family as we entered the room, participating with us.
Sitting together, calm.
Holding hands, looking at each other, making a covenant, ensuring it with a look.
Wiping my tears, mom and Candice, trying to look good for photos.
Family and friends.
Matt carrying me across the construction covered street.
Leaving as husband and wife.
Entering as husband and wife.
What a spectacular day. Looking back gets even better with time. It's like I'm doing it all over again with even more love, admiration and experience.
The reception was beautiful. In our back yard. Background music by my brother, on our family piano. Friends and family meeting and greeting. Face aching from smiling. Close friends playing a part. Singing for my husband. Cutting our cake. Starting our life. Fabulous.
******************EDITED TO ADD PHOTOS*************************
Duh! The best part about journaling 'blog' form is the photos!!! These are some random photos from our special day.

Woooh! What a hottie!

I like to do the challenges posted Here. I have a few ideas for layouts (I'll get to the lack of production in a moment).
My first 'observation' was last night at church. I observed our Enrichment Night activity. It was great. We had a wonderful speaker that talked about no one being able to take our place, how each of us has a spot to fill, a mission to accomplish, a work to do. It's reassuring to believe that isn't it? I observed much and will try to scrap it.
I also 'observed' this morning as I ran. I did a layout for that one today, well, tried to. This brings me to the 'lack of production' portion of today's programming! I did a layout. It's not great, but as I look at it I'm not sure I'd change anything. Okay, there are things I could do differently if I were to do it again, but I won't. This is a constant battle for me. Who in the world am I scrapping for? What do I care if other people like the things I am doing? Silly as it seems, it's a struggle.
It's not a new concept for me, needing validation. It was the same thing when I was dancing. I felt confident as I danced, but really didn't feel like I was 'good' until someone outside praised me. But what is 'good' in the scrapping realm? Is it being published? I've done that a few times (8 if anyone is counting :)) and I still don't feel like I'm 'good'. What can one do? The confidence comes from me alone. The freedom from caring is only found in me. I'll keep working on it. Stay focused... and above all try to enjoy. Create.
My little brother has been the recipient of countless jokes regarding Mr. Snakemaker. After standing up and yelling at the top of his lungs "SNAKE, SNAKE, SNAKE", the name just stuck. He was very little at the time and one could easily mistake what he saw... in the bathtub... after he cleaned himself out... as a snake!
Well, today a new little guy has been named Mr. Snakemaker. That would be my little guy. He didn't stand up and yell snake, but he did however, go ahead and clean himself out... in the tub!
He was pretty shocked, I think it may have been a first sighting for him. Shortly after I was notified of the intruder, there was mass hysteria in our bathroom. Two little people completely afraid that the 'snake', we'll call it, was going to get them!
All fun stopped there and we went into turbo wash mode to get them both out. Then, I tried not to vomit as I disposed of 'the snake'.
Matt mowed the lawn tonight for the first time this season. We have mucho weeds. Gotta get a nice looking lawn.
I met Kyung Ah today (I have no idea if I spelled that right). She is from South Korea. I met Bin last night, also from South Korea. Both beautiful women. I love getting to know new people.
Matt bought our plane tickets for our trip to UT in July. We need to work out all of the details with fammy.
Talked to my SIL Kathy today. They just moved to Minnesota. Love that gal! She is so easy to talk to. I hope we can meet up together in UT this summer.
I can't believe April is almost over.
Describe your wedding day
Perfect. Long. First bride of the day. Quiet. Anxious. Calm. Peaceful. Hectic. Funny. Perfect. Warm. Powerful. Respectful.
It was the perfect day.
We were up early. It was still dark when we got to the temple. We were in the waiting area and a sweet old man took a photo of us.
Whiteout on my recommend, changing my name from Cooper to McAfee.
Sitting with Matt waiting to enter the Celestial room, talking with our sealer.
Seeing friends and family as we entered the room, participating with us.
Sitting together, calm.
Holding hands, looking at each other, making a covenant, ensuring it with a look.
Wiping my tears, mom and Candice, trying to look good for photos.
Family and friends.
Matt carrying me across the construction covered street.
Leaving as husband and wife.
Entering as husband and wife.
What a spectacular day. Looking back gets even better with time. It's like I'm doing it all over again with even more love, admiration and experience.
The reception was beautiful. In our back yard. Background music by my brother, on our family piano. Friends and family meeting and greeting. Face aching from smiling. Close friends playing a part. Singing for my husband. Cutting our cake. Starting our life. Fabulous.
******************EDITED TO ADD PHOTOS*************************
Duh! The best part about journaling 'blog' form is the photos!!! These are some random photos from our special day.

Woooh! What a hottie!