An update on my kids
Little Q

Little Q speaks exceptionally well and I am continually amazed at what she has to say to me. The other day she had a bin-thing that I put stuff in. She came up to me and asked, "Mom can you put this on my back to be my turtle shell?" Then she knelt down while I put it on her back! It caught me off guard!
She says her prayers all by herself and "is grateful for mom, dad, and Bubb's, nursery and church", and yesterday she was grateful to look at houses". Her prayers change everyday and I love hearing what she is grateful for.
She loves to sing and knows a ton of music. I'm convinced that singing to her is part of the reason she has learned to talk so well. That may be incorrect though... we'll see how little G does.
Little G

Little G is finally walking! He is 15 months old. He's been attempting it for a month or so, but, cautious child that he is, hasn't taken off until this past week.
He is endlessly picky with what he eats. Today he actually ate 2 apple slices... a first. He doesn't like the texture of fruits, or maybe they are too cold or tart. I don't know, but today he did well!
I thought I had the ultimate mild child when I had him. Oh how things change! We are entering uncharted territory with him already picking fights with Q and batting at us when he needs something. He has NO patience when it comes to waiting for food. And it doesn't help that he is LOUD. Truthfully I'd be surprised if any child I had was quiet!
He loves to be outside. At the sight of an open door he is gone! He falls apart when he can't go out or has to come back in. He loves dirt, rocks, grass and the breeze, who doesn't?
In his vocabulary: ni-ni (bed/night-night), up, down, ball, bite, hat (random), mommy, daddy, milk, bye bye, a-shes, a-shes(from ring around the rosies), (signs) all done, and a-choo! He also gives great, closed mouth kisses, different from the slobbers his sister gave at this age! It's nice! He's been concentrating on making the noise!
It seems he is finally growing out of "baby" into young toddler.
Both my kids are growing. They are beautiful, sweet children, even when I want to pull my hair out! They keep us learning, laughing and loving! What could be sweeter?
funny faces

one more

Little Q speaks exceptionally well and I am continually amazed at what she has to say to me. The other day she had a bin-thing that I put stuff in. She came up to me and asked, "Mom can you put this on my back to be my turtle shell?" Then she knelt down while I put it on her back! It caught me off guard!
She says her prayers all by herself and "is grateful for mom, dad, and Bubb's, nursery and church", and yesterday she was grateful to look at houses". Her prayers change everyday and I love hearing what she is grateful for.
She loves to sing and knows a ton of music. I'm convinced that singing to her is part of the reason she has learned to talk so well. That may be incorrect though... we'll see how little G does.
Little G

Little G is finally walking! He is 15 months old. He's been attempting it for a month or so, but, cautious child that he is, hasn't taken off until this past week.
He is endlessly picky with what he eats. Today he actually ate 2 apple slices... a first. He doesn't like the texture of fruits, or maybe they are too cold or tart. I don't know, but today he did well!
I thought I had the ultimate mild child when I had him. Oh how things change! We are entering uncharted territory with him already picking fights with Q and batting at us when he needs something. He has NO patience when it comes to waiting for food. And it doesn't help that he is LOUD. Truthfully I'd be surprised if any child I had was quiet!
He loves to be outside. At the sight of an open door he is gone! He falls apart when he can't go out or has to come back in. He loves dirt, rocks, grass and the breeze, who doesn't?
In his vocabulary: ni-ni (bed/night-night), up, down, ball, bite, hat (random), mommy, daddy, milk, bye bye, a-shes, a-shes(from ring around the rosies), (signs) all done, and a-choo! He also gives great, closed mouth kisses, different from the slobbers his sister gave at this age! It's nice! He's been concentrating on making the noise!
It seems he is finally growing out of "baby" into young toddler.
Both my kids are growing. They are beautiful, sweet children, even when I want to pull my hair out! They keep us learning, laughing and loving! What could be sweeter?
funny faces

one more