List of "To Do" before I leave tomorrow

Wow, it's finally here! Tomorrow I leave, by myself, and fly out to UT.

My good friend Jen is having her baby today! Good luck! I hope all goes quickly and well. I hope you find a name for that little guy before you leave the hospital!

Good luck Candice. I REALLY hope you have your baby by the time I get there! How badly it would suck for me to not get to meet your baby! (my whole purpose for this trip!)

Before I go I must:
*finish gift album
*clean my room so little hands don't find their way through my stuff
*go on a date with my hubby
*make a few phone calls
*pack (did I say that already?)
*do laundrey (for above mentioned packing)
*pick up babysitter (for above mentioned date with hubby)
*pray my sister has her baby
*mentally prepare to *relax*!

My husband is the greatest. He's taking the kids so I can enjoy myself. I hope I really can do that. I'm already a little worried about him surviving the kids... alone! Even when you have time "off" as a mom, it never really stops. You think about your kids non-stop. At least I know they are in the best hands, that would be dad's. He is the best dad and they will be fine!

Alright, to work I go!
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