It ended up being an okay day.

This morning was one of those mornings. You know the one's... before the 7 o'clock hour even finishes you already wish it was 10pm! We had a rough go of it this morning. The kids got up early... for them... and were ornery for the morning. On his way out the door Matt told me to call if I fell apart! He also vowed some PT (personal time) for me tonight!

Then I came downstairs and checked my email.

The day didn't change, but my attitude did.

Haley, so great to hear from you!

Lynette and Susan, you are reliable! Thanks for always watching my blog/life and commenting. It's the little things that are needed and greatly appreciated.

Melissa, I have NO IDEA how you found my blog! I'm a little star struck! It made my day to have a comment waiting from you! It's one of those things... I know who you are! How in the world did you find me? Did you note that you are on my "favorites" list?

I have had the thought to do a post titled "THIS IS ONLY A TEST"! Does anyone out there read this? If you do just comment "I do"! You don't have to say anything else! Then, you know, does it matter? I am journaling my life, for me, that is why I blog. It sure is nice though, as you reach out there to the unknown cyber world, to feel someone reaching back.

Thanks to each of you. You turned my day around and it ended up being an okay day after all!

And... that PT went great! I was able to play a bit... it felt good!