I love you Matt
Can I tell you what a great husband I have?
When I planned our date for this week (the first for us in a long time) it just worked out that our babysitter was free for last night, and it was the last night I'd be here this week, we booked it. I went and picked up our cute babysitter and Matt and I took off.
The analytical man Matt is remembered that July 20, 1996 was exactly nine years ago yesterday. That date is significant because it's the anniversary of our very first date!!! Do I remember things like that? Maybe I should, but I don't! I remember other bigger things! Matt remembers! I had planned our date and ended up being surprised by Matt. What a great man I have!
We had a great time at dinner, and then we went and hit golf balls. In another nine years we'll still be dating, playing golf together.... hopefully both of us better than we are now, still happy, still dating, still committed and completely in love with each other. I love you Matt. Happy anniversary!
Love my hubby!


I suck!
When I planned our date for this week (the first for us in a long time) it just worked out that our babysitter was free for last night, and it was the last night I'd be here this week, we booked it. I went and picked up our cute babysitter and Matt and I took off.
The analytical man Matt is remembered that July 20, 1996 was exactly nine years ago yesterday. That date is significant because it's the anniversary of our very first date!!! Do I remember things like that? Maybe I should, but I don't! I remember other bigger things! Matt remembers! I had planned our date and ended up being surprised by Matt. What a great man I have!
We had a great time at dinner, and then we went and hit golf balls. In another nine years we'll still be dating, playing golf together.... hopefully both of us better than we are now, still happy, still dating, still committed and completely in love with each other. I love you Matt. Happy anniversary!
Love my hubby!


I suck!