Feeding the ducks
can you see the bread in the duck's mouth?


Q has no fear!

good pals

I had a good visit to UT. I'll report on that later! It was great to get home! I missed my kids... and my Matt!
Last night we took the kids to feed the ducks. G is a little hesitant about them. Q loves to be near them and has no fear! She's fine being surrounded by them!
Within just a few days G is 100% confident with his walking. No more haning onto anything! It's taken him a while, but he's got it now!


Q has no fear!

good pals

I had a good visit to UT. I'll report on that later! It was great to get home! I missed my kids... and my Matt!
Last night we took the kids to feed the ducks. G is a little hesitant about them. Q loves to be near them and has no fear! She's fine being surrounded by them!
Within just a few days G is 100% confident with his walking. No more haning onto anything! It's taken him a while, but he's got it now!