Little Q
little Q 

This photo is from one week ago (5/15). I didn't beat her... she found my makeup and "I paint my face mom!" There are times you just gotta laugh and this was one of them! I promised just to laugh if she'd hold still for the camera!
Today I asked her if I could wipe her nose. "No, I do it by myself"... then she proceeds to wipe it... with her nice white shirt... then says "See." Oh my! She was right! She can do it by herself! The "see" part is what made Matt and I laugh! She seems and acts so grown up sometimes.
I say "Q, how 'bout a nap?"
She says "Mom, how 'bout I just watch a show for a few more minutes"! She's a hoot!
Today as we were driving home we opened the sun roof and blasted Depeche Mode! And Matt said we wouldn't hit "The Bay"!!! Anyway, she thought that was cool. Even cooler was taking down her little sun shield thing in the window and rolling hers down! She couldn't breathe!!! She was so excited! It's the simple things!

This photo is from one week ago (5/15). I didn't beat her... she found my makeup and "I paint my face mom!" There are times you just gotta laugh and this was one of them! I promised just to laugh if she'd hold still for the camera!
Today I asked her if I could wipe her nose. "No, I do it by myself"... then she proceeds to wipe it... with her nice white shirt... then says "See." Oh my! She was right! She can do it by herself! The "see" part is what made Matt and I laugh! She seems and acts so grown up sometimes.
I say "Q, how 'bout a nap?"
She says "Mom, how 'bout I just watch a show for a few more minutes"! She's a hoot!
Today as we were driving home we opened the sun roof and blasted Depeche Mode! And Matt said we wouldn't hit "The Bay"!!! Anyway, she thought that was cool. Even cooler was taking down her little sun shield thing in the window and rolling hers down! She couldn't breathe!!! She was so excited! It's the simple things!