Baby Gavin

It has been a while since I have photographed a little newborn... but it's been even longer that I've actually blogged about it, or anything 'photography' for that matter.

Why?  Well, I spend all my time updating

this blog!  That's why!

Shame on me, I know.

Oh how I love the little one's.

I am such a baby-lover, just can't get enough.

The smell, the bittiness, the snuggles, so sweet.

I wanted to try some new things with this shoot and I'm so grateful for clients that just trust me.

I aim to please, and try to get a good representation of different things.

Sometimes you just gotta try something new, though, I do, to keep it fresh, to keep me feeling creative.

With this little man I brought some nature into my shots.

I brought this big trunk into my home this fall and use it as a side table (see a taste of that


I moved it over for this shoot, and these shots are my most favorite!

Here are more shots of this little guy's shoot.

He seriously was

the best

baby!  Did this whole shoot w/o having to nurse!  Rockstar!

His dad made this wooden sign.  It was perfect for my second set that included some branches from my backyard!

Isn't he the sweetest?  I'm so glad I got to spend some time with this sweety-pie!