Favorite Photo Linkup... Butterfly

Wednesday's at Perspective I usually share my photography and things from my store.

I want to create a place where 'mom-ographers', 'phone-ographers', and professionals can all share and inspire one another via photos we take.  They tell our stories.

Truth is our point of view is often what we take away from each other.

Share it!  Be inspired by it.  Learn from it.  Practice it.

I hope you'll join this linkup.  Share a favorite photo you've taken from the week.  It could be from a recent session, maybe you try something new artistically, maybe it captures a beautiful moment.

You don't have to be anything other than what you are to share and linkup!

Here is a favorite from my week.
The boys ran in to tell me they spotted a butterfly outside.
I was in the middle of putting school supplies together, checking 4 list's, creating 4 piles...
I like butterflies, but was not willing to stop!

I told them that was so cool and I would come out in a minute.
Many minutes passed!
They ran in again to tell me it was still there.
So, I went out.
I had my standard lens on the camera, and took a few, mostly for them.
Since this little butterfly had nowhere to be, nothing better to do than entertain us, I went and grabbed my telephoto lens.  I haven't upgraded this lens yet, I still have my old lens from my Rebel days!  I rarely use it, because I need a new one.

The placement of the butterfly was perfect.  I zoomed way in.
Look at the bokeh created by the leaves and light behind the butterfly.

I showed G the photo and he said, 'Wow mom, that is like a professional picture!'I looked at him to see if he was being sarcastic... he wasn't!  He clarified, 'Like a professional nature photographer.'
I smiled and told him maybe someday I hoped to be a professional! :)

Let's link up and share!Grab a button to put on your blog, or share this link in your post.
Tell your friends to come join!
What could be better than a place to find photo inspiration?