May Visiting Teaching Printable Handouts

As we get to choose the messages to share after General Conference, I find that I often go back and want to review and share what was said at the General Women's Session.

There was much emphasis on service.

This, after all, is what we do as followers of Jesus Christ, serve and love as He would.

My first quote comes from the talk 'What Shall We Do?' Sister Marriott quotes Emma Smith, and I love this quote.

flower frame by

I'd never heard it before, but it is key!

It is hard to build around us if we are falling apart.

And, yet, part of overcoming ourselves is always found outside of us.

Giving, sharing, nurturing and serving help us find and know our Savior, who then reflects a more clear image of who we really are, to us.

We are always in process, in progress.

I made this next hand out using President Eyring's talk, 'Trust In That Spirit Which Leadeth To Do Good'.

He has many women in his life and spoke of three things he'd hoped they would remember, as well as three things he'd hope they would commit to do.  As an apostle, speaking to all of us women, it goes for us too!

I paired this thought with some gardening gloves.

Dig in, serve, be a tool in the Lord's hands!

I am happy to share these with you!

In return for use of them I just ask for credit where applicable and please Pin or share them!