Making Macaroons - Guest Post
Like many of my blogging friends I'm not quite sure how I met cute Melanie! But, she is a blogger that 'stuck' for me, you know, you stop by and say hi, then there are the ones that 'stick', that you keep going back to, that aren't just a mindless list, you remember their names! :)
I hope I'm that for some of you! :)
Anyway, love her photos, important to me, and I love that she cooks... yummy treats! This is not something I blog about, because honestly I don't do it!
So, sit back and read, then pay her a visit, then go make some macaroons!
Hello! I'm Melanie from I blog about fashion, books, music, food, and of course me and mr. Feel free to stop by, I love new vistors.

Today I'm going to teach you how to make French Macarons! I'm not going to lie these things are labor intensive. If you do it right though they are worth it! I used Martha Stewarts Recipe found here.

If you are looking for some good fillings look here. I just used a simple butter cream filling but you can make any flavor you want :) I hope you enjoy them!

Thank you Carolyn for letting me guest post! I love your blog, and I'm happy I could contribute to it :)