5/40 - Come On Down... Price Is Right
Last week I went to The Price is Right - Live Show! It was so much fun!
Honestly I didn't even know this was a thing! I had no idea it would be here, but these girlfriends were talking about it at my birthday party, and asked if I'd want to go. Well, yhah!
I wasn't so informed, but yes, I know what The Price is Right is, and no I've never done anything like this, so I'm in, get me a ticket!
The live show travels around the country doing the same thing as the LA show. They run the show a little differently, so more people have the opportunity to be selected and possibly win.
We went early to register, so our names would be thrown into selection process. We hung out and took pictures, talked about the games etc.
At first I wasn't sure I'd even register. I don't know how I'd do up on stage trying to guess prices of things. I'm horrible at 1- looking at prices, and 2- remembering prices! Mostly I look for a little red tag that says 'clearance'!!!
I went ahead and did it anyway. I figured the odds of me being selected were not that good. I didn't expect to be called at all.
I don't think any of us really expected to be called, but let's be real, we were hoping at least one of us would!
Just after I took this photo of us, I took a photo of two girlfriends. I was the bombdotcomb photographer and got the perfect shot of them both jumping... first try!
Anyway, both of those ladies got called to come on down, and both of them won their bids, allowing both of them to go up on stage, and in turn win, which they both did!
Crazy odds in favor of both of them!
I'll go ahead and tell you now, that none of us got called up. It hardly seemed fair, buuut what are you going to do?
The suspense and chance of being called was there right up to the end, keeping us hopeful right up to the end!
no flash, so you can see the curtain...
It was still super exciting and I still screamed until my throat hurt! It's funny how you can enjoy the experience of winning via some random stranger! We all felt bummed when someone lost, and we all felt excited for those that won. That is the thing with a live show, the energy is felt and transferred among everyone present.
It was fun to watch people, such a variety of people and walks of life, it was also embarrassing at times too! They made a big deal, telling us all to 'come on down' all energetic and spazzy, then called all the names so quickly and in between sets, that no one really did it, except a couple of die-hards! And one gal, well she waited until she actually got up on stage, to let loose. Ummmm, that was a moment, one of those moments you cringe, close your eyes and hope it ends soon!
Fortunately the announcer was a comic :) and the the celebrity host (Todd Newton) has been doing this for years. They were all over that, no awkward moments for her, just for the rest of us that had to watch her!
It was a fun night out and a new thing for me!
Love Momma Di. I'm thinking I'm going to head back to the dance studio this year...