I just have to start...

Whenever I stop here I feel overwhelmed starting again.
There is so much to catch up on...
The very reason I haven't been writing and posting is because this is what I can let go of when I have too much on my plate.
Sometimes the thought of starting again is just another serving of something I'm not ready for!

I just have to start.
I have to remember why I'm sitting here typing.
Little by little I will get back to my 'balanced' place.

I will start with this week.
We are feeling more and more settled.
My mom was here and now is gone. :(

I feel weird.  Nothing feels 'normal'.
I feel homesick for routine, jobs, 'regular' and 'normal'... whatever that means!
It's just a big shake up right now, a lot of new stuff.
After being settled for so long, a good shake up just feels odd!

Monday we had such a great day!
We delivered MOW in the morning, then met our friends at Darian Lake.
We played so hard!  My feet were so tired from walking and walking!

It was great going with friends.  It was, of course wonderful to be with them, to catch up, to laugh.  But also, going with friends sometimes pushes you to do things you didn't think you could!

Q actually went on rides this time!
All my kids did!  It was so much fun!

I even got to go on the big coasters!

There were no lines, few people, it was fabulous!

We also hit the water park, had dinner, and rode more rides.
G went on a big coaster with me!  I was so proud of him and loved seeing his face through the crazy ride!

Yesterday it was rainy.  Sometimes it's good to have a rainy day.
I can get stuff like this gallery wall done...

PS - this is version 1!
As we started unpacking, feeling a bit overwhelmed Matt told me his plan was to do a series of versions!  In his office, for example version 1 was setting stuff out, version 2 was getting the book case in there and arranging, version 3 another piece and arranging etc.
I thought that was good.
I operate more in the 'one shot' version!
It has helped me to continually make progress to do 'versions'!  We'll have to go back to move things and make improvements, but in order to just get started somewhere there has to be a version 1!

I need to paint frames and rearrange/print photos.  I'll show what it looks like all done.

Today I had a newborn shoot.
It felt weird.  My poor clients!

You have such a small window for newborns and it just doesn't matter that I've not photographed yet in this house, that I don't feel creative, that my mind is not on photography, that holding a newborn right now feels foreign, let alone posing one! :)

We did it.  We got through it.

Today I also have been working on Q's bed.  We got an iron canopy bed for her.  I have been painting it with chalk paint today. She has been anxiously waiting for me to paint her bed and the black hutch that was in our kitchen.

This is the garage... also in version 1!