Me vs. Deck...
The last time we re-finished our deck was in 2008.
Yes, it was time to give it some love!
Plus, with the expectancy of moving is additional motivation to get looking all purty!
I want to be able to enjoy the things we change for the sake of moving! They aren't many, but I want to get them done sooner rather than later for that reason!
I wasn't so thrilled with the gray color of our deck. It looked more blue than I thought it would.
Buuuuut, the thought of doing the following year was daunting!
Then it started to fade, and then I really didn't care!
After finally finishing the mammoth project of my deck and seeing it now, I so wish I'd been motivated sooner! I love the taupe color we chose, it flows so nicely from the house. It really does look good.
Oh well, at least we can enjoy it now right?
Let's go back to 2008...
It's hard to tell, but this color had a pink tint in it.
Yea for the gray/blue deck!
We also got a play set that M and I put together. That is yet another project to do. It needs to be re-stained.
We had a little pool on our deck for a couple of years, yep, it's that big!
We got this outdoor furniture and are still using it.
I keep the table over by the long bench to utelize that seating. We can then spread our chairs out.
That deck looks pretty good right?
Honestly I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that I really don't think we've washed this deck down for the last couple of years!
We are gone most of the summer and I've not hosted my 'back to school' BBQ, so, no need to clean it!
Here is how it looked when I began my project a couple of months ago...
Um, that is quite the buildup of yuck right?
I used the power sprayer and good ol' elbow grease to scrub this thing down!
It took me a whole day to clean it. It was exhausting!
I was timing my work with the fall of the rain!
I had a couple of days with no rain so I got all of the large surface done in a day.
I rolled it on, then had to go back and fill in cracks.
When my BIL helped us with the deck the first time around, he was spraying so hard, trying to get the deck paint off (normal paint would come right off, but this stuff doesn't) that he created some divits in the wood... thanks Scott! :) I had to go back and fill those in with the brush.
I used this product from Lowe's. The color is Taupe. It matches the house great!
(This is not a sponsored post.)

Of course when I thought to take pictures it was the middle of the day, not the best light.
Here I am workin' it!
I got the whole surface area done.
Then... Then... it took me like 3 weeks to get the rest of it done, or maybe 4!
Between the rain and burnout I was slow to finish!
In the deck vs. Carolyn fight I was going down, ready to give up!
The surface is the easy part right? And you start with such momentum! Then you get tired, then you have to paint 100 slats, then you have to get into cracks and do the steps and the edges close to the house!
That is where all of the work is!
Oh my gosh I'm so glad to bedone!
We took down our bird feeders. We'll have to hang them somewhere over the grass.
There will be no more bird mess on this deck! I've worked too hard!
We had friends over for Father's Day and I was excited to host back here.
I'll show you all of that next post... Here is a shot of the deck all finished.