Jammin' in the Water

Last week these arrived at my house! (This is not a sponsored post... I bought these all by myself!)
My MP3 has recently been on the fritz, I thought now would be as good a time as any to make this purchase.

Cordless = Awesome
AND... Waterproof = Even More Awesome!

I tried them out in the water last week, then on the bike.  Still haven't worn them running, I've sort of grown out of listening to music while running, unless I'm on a treadmill, at the JCC.  Here at home I watch Netflix while I'm on the treadmill.

They were fab on the bike, love not having any cords to deal with!

Here is what they look like...

They are nice!  I read all about them, watched a little video tutorial, loaded up my music and took them to the pool with me last week.

They definitely took some getting used to!  They come with different sized earbuds and what fit me out of the water didn't fit me in the water... water got into my ears changing the sound I could hear.  I've since changed them out and I'll try them again today.  I was only in the pool once last week.

It takes a minute to remember where all the little buttons are at, but it is super handy to have a little voice telling you what you are doing as you push buttons!

I wish I looked as cool as this guy wearing mine...

Not so much!  Maybe if I shaved my head?

Headphones, goggles, cap, a ton of hair... it's a lot going on up here right?  At least it creates some drag... which only makes me stronger right?

My first few laps were slow, I kept stopping as I tried to figure out my fit.  Cap over?  Ouch nope, that pushes them in my ear too far.  They said something about using my google strap to hold them in place, couldn't figure that out...  I think my cap pretty much held them in place, I think my issue was the size of the ear bud.  Nonetheless I swam my laps with the headphones and at some points I could hear the music clear, at other points not so much.  Everything has to be all aligned right.  I'll get it eventually!  

***ETA*** I used them today and have figured out my fit.  I could hear clearly and man, what a difference music makes in the water!  It was fun to feel the push and energy from my music!  Love this purchase!

It was cool to hear my music in the water, even if muffled.  It made the time go quickly and I was still able to keep count of laps, wondered about that...

I look like I have gills or something crazy, but we know I sort of don't care right?

Here is what my week looked like last week...
Mon:  Mid-day run outside.  It was around 80 w/ humidity, blah hot!  
Tue: swim 1 mile, bike 12 inside (will hill repeats), lift (arms, hams, quads)
Wed: rest

Thur: morning 8 mile run outside.  I could feel fatigue in my legs!  They were tired!  This felt harder than my usual 8 milers.

Fri: legs still felt tired, maybe not recovering my best after workouts?  Glad I ran anyway, after mile 1 was fine.  Did speed on tml.  W/o @ 2 incline.  1 m w/u @ 8 pace (7.5 speed).  Did 400's (some 500's)...  with small break between.  2 @ 8.5 speed, 2@ 9, 2@ 9.5, 2@ 10 speed.  1 mile cool down @ 7:30 pace.

Sat: Long ride w/ M.  (At least 30 miles, didn't start my watch) Went to Akron, rode around, came back.  Akron has some nice hills.  We stopped and hiked down to the waterfall.  M got a flat so I ran a mile while he changed it.  Got a good couple of bike sprints in too.  It was fun riding with my babe.  I didn't care too much about speed, just getting the mile in.

Do you listen to music while you work out?
Do you use your phone or an MP3 player?