Sit and Rest...

I needed today.
Just a day to rest!
Molly came over for lunch and I showed her how to organize her computer.
She paid me in Chipotle!

My body has felt a little tired.
The Grand Island Half Marathon is on Saturday.
I'm still deciding on the June Marathon.  My hope is that this leg thing is all worked out by next week... with me still running on it! :)  Then I can move forward with the marathon distance.

I bought more new shoes!  I ran in the Kinvara 4 yesterday.  They feel good on my feet and I hope my lower legs can feel the difference!

Monday I ran a 9 mile tempo.  My plan was to run the middle 5 @ 7:15 pace.  Still trying to find what each pace feels like.  I had to keep looking at my Garmin.  I always take off too fast mile 3.  I was running at a 5:50 pace at one point (says Garmin).

My leg hurt the whole time.  I tried to keep it relaxed and use different muscles.  Do you do that?

I don't really have a goal for Saturday at this point.  I will wait to see how my body feels.  I do hope to finish it around 7:45 pace.  I hope nothing cramps while I'm out there!  Oh, and it will be raining!  Sweet!

I'm not trying to PR, gave up on that a month ago when I got injured!  But, I always hope to run well.

Funny story:
I decided to take an ice bath after my run.  I didn't put ice in the tub, but Buffalo water can double as ice water, straight out of the faucet!
Of course my feet went in first, and numbed as I tried to get myself to sit down!
By the time I sat down my feet felt like they would fall off.  I tried to get out of the tub, but couldn't stand on my feet!!!  Crazy!  It was crazy!
How do people do this?
I went for round 2, tried again!
As I sat backwards in the tub my feet felt better out of the water a bit.
I did sit for a minute... then the phone rang!  It was a call I couldn't miss.
I sat there and tried to keep my teeth from chattering as I had a very serious conversation!
I was afraid to try and pull myself out of the tub, so I just sat there... freezing, trying to have a serious conversation.
I can certainly see how completely stopping your circulation could keep your muscles from swelling... or working at all for that matter.

Have you ever taken an ice bath?

When is your next race?