Christian Rock and The Sunday Linkup
If you've read my 'about' page, or know me, you know that I was raised the greater part of my life in UT, and yes I'm a Mormon!
Church music or Sunday music to me, for most of my life was reverent music.
I listened to LDS artists for the most part.
I sort of felt like other Christian music was a little sac religious, mostly because shouting about Jesus Christ sort of contradicts the gentle manner in which His spirit, the Holy Ghost speaks to us.
I still listen to reverent music, LDS artists. I believe there is a time for music that humbles you, is quiet, and allows the Holy Ghost to prompt, touch and speak to our hearts.
BUT, I have to say, that I have opened my mind in the years that I have been away from UT!
I love Christian Rock now! Why not sing praise to our Savior? Why not shout for joy about reaching to Him, feeling Him reach to us? I much prefer this positive, uplifting music to anything else on the radio! ABSOLUTELY!
Some constant favorites have been: Kari Jobe, Chris Tomlan, Christy Nockels.
I love Colton Dixon, and he's one that rocks a little more, but totally has uplifting messages to sing about!
Recently just found Natalie Grant... via all of this Grammy business, her walking out an all, and I love her music! So glad to have found her!
Here is a link to her Grammy Nominated song 'Hurricane'.
What about you? Do you like Christian Music?
Ok, ok, ok... now to the clothes!
I found this adorable dress on clearance and Target... $7! I love the bell sleeves, and the lace cutouts in the shoulders. I wore fleece tights with it and these sassy shoes!
Let's link up... show us what you wear to church... or if you aren't church going folk, something you wear that others could wear to church! It's Sunday, after all! Enjoy your day!
Be sure to follow along via GFC or Bloglovin' and please link back to me somehow! Thanks.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Perspective} WIW to church" width="125" height="125" /></a>