How Do You Organize Your...
Hey! Welcome to 'How Do You Organize Your...' where I show you how I organize certain things around our home!
Who knows if it will stick long term, but it
like a good idea!
Today I bring you backpack, blanket and little boys ties storage.
First: Backpacks
My kids have a certain issue with coming in the door and taking pack packs, coats, shoes all off, and leaving them all in a pile!
When I call them to come pick up their stuff, all but the back packs get put away... that's ok right? We do homework next so they need them for that, but after that is over... back packs all over my front room, folders, books etc. all over the place!
We have adopted a new system, and it all begins with a little place to put their back packs. An easy spot, right by the front door!
Now, this is where they put their packs. Then, they get them out to do homework, and homework isn't done until all folders are put in packs and packs are in the crate! It's out of the way, but easy to get to each day.
I started with this wooden crate, then added the fabulous felt sliders, you know, that you put on the bottom of your chairs? The crate slides easily in and out.
Second: Blankets
Do you have cozy blankets in your family room? We do!
I don't seem to have any room by the couch for a big basket, which I'd love, to just throw all the blankets in there. A common trick... if you can't go out go up...with space.
This is an 'up' storage solution!
Again with the felt pads, so my wall doesn't get scratched.
Third: Little Boy Ties
Ties, oh ties! Where do I store you?
I bought and over the door hanger for my G's ties. However he is a little too short to get to them... that is no solution! I have to get them for him, no thanks!
I tend to hang onto stuff... a little bit of a hoarder yes! I kept the extra grids from when we built this little storage container for the kids... you know the ones, like this...

I was cleaning out a part of the basement and came across these, then the heavens sang, and I thought this would be the perfect storage solution for ties!
So, I put two nails in the wall to hang it...
Then I added his ties. The clip-ons, just clip on there, if a tie isn't tied you just slip it through a square, or loop it!
Fabulous right? We are both happy with this solution...
Now where to put that hockey poster I had to move!