Blah, blah, blah...

Thank heavens for a good night sleep.
Yesterday started all good, with the dark skies and the rain and the hubs home from work illin'.

Then the day went on...
maybe it was the very large cinnamon roll I ate...
or the shower that I missed, because I was going to go running soon...
or the run that I missed...
or the mountain of laundry...
or the empty space where the Diet Coke used to be...
or the sensitive spots on my face... where the zits are...

... not quite sure why, but my day started to feel as gray as the skies outside...

... then I saw the sun, that felt so good to my soul... then it vanished...

... then the kids told me they were hungry
dinner felt overwhelming... pizza it is.
then I tucked my kids in, and loved them a few extra minutes... and felt sad that they are getting so big.  I cried a little bit.


It has GOT to be hormones because any other day I'd be like...
No thanks to that cinnamon roll, had one yesterday, I'm good!  And definitely no to cinnamon roll number 2!
Whatever rain, I'll jump on the treadmill.
Take that laundry... my load was actually light this week - thank you!
Diet Coke, no prob, put that on the list...
Zits, well, it's raining outside, I've got nowhere to go, you've got one day to make my face your home!
Dinner... PIZZA!  Isn't pizza wonderful?
I love these kids... and... who am I kidding... I still hate that they are getting bigger and that I'm heading out of early motherhood into 'well established' motherhood.  Can someone please stop the clock for me... I want things to always be how they are now... or were two years ago... stoooooppppp!

Blasted hormones!  It must be the hormones...
Again, thank heavens for a brand new day...

The world looks better today!


Be sure to check out CCMcAfeePhotographyTheBlog for an update...

As well, I made these last night and will be putting them up in my store today.
Gap is totally rocking the animal print for the kids this year... these will be a great match!

I have one hard headband and two stretch headbands.
I'm making clips this week!