Summer So Far...

I hope everyone had such a great 4th of July!
-I was up early to get my last long, long run in before the marathon, which is in a couple of weeks.  I went 22 miles today.  I'll recap that later, as with the other events from today.
-We went to G's all-star baseball game. 
-I have been editing wedding photos, super anxious about getting all of my work done in the next week so I can go to UT with a clean slate.
-We swam and ate at the Chiapelli's.  The kids adore swimming, we had a great time.
-Matt has been getting us ready for camping this weekend.

It will be fun to get away as a family, minus the previously noted anxiety.

Here is what we've been up to this month... I've not been great about posting our family happs.

We've been swimming at Clearfield a couple of times... once I took the L boys for my good friend Melissa.  They all had a blast together.  Q and G are big enough go to the bigger pool on their own now.  G has turned into quite the swimmer.  Last year he was still nervous w/o a life jacket, this year he is swimming in all depths.  He's taught himself how.  It's quite impressive!

We got to love our new little girlfriend, she is a doll and it is so fun seeing my kids love a new little baby.  I'm glad Melissa will share hers since M will not father any additional children!  We got to shop for her and pick tiny outfits, it was so much fun and we all 'awed' at how tiny everything was.

E has been the cutest.  He loves to rock the new baby and asks about her often.  He loves to snuggle and kiss her and is content just holding her.  It is so tender to me.

My cute friend Paula got tickets to 'Taste of Country' and offered me one.  I don't listen to much country anymore, but she said the name Sheryl Crow and I was sold!  We had a great time rockin out in our seats, minus the siren screamer just behind us!  Totally should've worn my plaid flannel... I felt a little out of place!

There has been plenty of rain.  Sometimes we stay in, other times the kids want to go play in it... whatever!

The kids have washed the car...

We've been to the ball field for many a game!  This is G's first year in kid pitch.  He's the youngest on his team... a third grader playing with 4th and 5th graders.  We were a little nervous for him at first, but of course he has risen to the occasion.  He's started pitching and actually does quite well.  Up to just a couple of games ago all he would throw were strikes, he's had a couple of amazing games. 

G is also into these necklaces right now.  He wants a few more of them...

Little O wanted to learn to roller blade.  He sees his older brother and wants to follow along.  He is very good with his body.  He can balance, he's not awkward.  He did well with his first attempt.  He is ready to get on his bike w/o training wheels, if I'd just take the time to teach him! 

Speaking of bikes, G got a handmedown from the Zappia's.   He loves his new bike.  He wants to go fast, he wants to go for long distances.  We thought the bike path would be a great place for that.  Of course O wanted to go too... his bike is tiny and still has training wheels on it.  I thought the ideal would be to drive to the path, which is 1.5 miles away, across a VERY busy street, then safely ride on the path for a bit.  M decided they were all big enough to just ride to the path, he was on his bike too.  Still makes me cringe as I see them ride away in my head.  My little O was pedaling his heart out, poor kid. 

It had started raining so I got in the van to rescue my boy.  By the time I got to him he was so sad.  He was miserable.  I think they went like 4-5 miles.  Not a big deal on a big bike, on a tiny bike, huge deal!  As we pulled in the drive way he jumped out of the van, like normal and his legs totally collapsed on him.  :(  I carried him inside and we discussed how that may not have been the best choice! 

Of course G was upset that he couldn't go faster and had to wait for his little brother... M has since taken him only out for a bike ride.

I have been painting, my front room.  I should be able to reveal that sometime here soon.  I love it and wish I'd have done it a long time ago!

Q has been eager to make cookies and suckers.  It's fun to see her bake.
My O graduated preschool

And my Q graduated elementary... 5th grade here we come!
We cleaned the church as a family.  It was fun!  We got lunch after followed by treats.