A Little Tom Foolry...

Do you ever have to play tricks on yourself?
Make yourself promises?

Sometimes I do!
I promise myself when I'm out there running for 1.5 hours or more, that I don't have to run at all tomorrow... which is usually Sunday!

That seems to lighten the load for my psyche.
The promise that once this is over, I can relax and don't have to do it again for a whole day!  It helps me push through and give my all, just for this relatively short amount of time.

I ran 16 this weekend.
I did it.  It was broken up, but I did it.

I started w/ 6 on the treadmill.  Hubs went to play golf in the morning so I started there.  Watched an episode of One Tree Hill.  I stayed right at an 8/mile. 

I went out and ran 8.  Had to stop twice with a foot/shoe issue.  I've worn my larger shoe on these longer runs and I'm not so sure that is working out for me!  I usually wear 9 running shoe.  I got a 9.5 for a little extra wiggle room on those hot summer long runs.  The tongue of the shoe, and the laces are rubbing weird on one of my ankle tendons, on the left foot only!  It bruised me a little.  I had to re lace my shoe.

As I came back around to the house at mile 14 I changed my shoes... yikes!  Still in pain. 

I finished anyway.  Even though I'm signed up for a race next week.  It should work itself out right?

I asked Q if she wanted to come w/ me.  She got on her bike and went the last 2 with me.  That was fun.  We visited, talked about bike safety!  She was proud she rode her bike 2 miles... and wasn't even tired!  :)

The foot issue was sore for the rest of the night.  But, it feels ok today.

I'll be wearing my 9's for the half this next weekend.

Anyone want a new pair of Saucony Kinvara's?  I've only worn them 3 times.  So weird!

I stayed right at an 8/mile pace.  This is good for me.  I'm trying to 'feel' in my body what my pace is.  You know I still don't have a Garmin right?  I do the math in my head as I get to my mile markers!

Last week I ran my 10 miler in 1:15.  I intended to do more of a ladder workout, with some faster miles, then slower... the all just became fast!  I felt good, surprised myself a little!  Felt good!

Historically I've not been very good at taking care of myself in the 'recovery' portion of running.  I never feel like eating or drinking after a run. 

This year I want to do better, both while I'm running, to fuel myself, and after, to recover better.
I made this version of 'egg salad' this week after a run.  I sliced hard boiled egg and layered that on my mini bread.  I used Dijon mustard and paired the egg with lettuce and cucumber.  It was quite tasty! 

What do you eat after a run?