Take That.... Squirrel... My Double Life as A Squirrel Hunter!

This post may seem completely random to you, but this is a hidden secret of the McAfee household!
I must document this... because things are going to change.

We live in a part of the country that has great bird life!
We love birds!
Matt has gotten very into bird watching... like has learned all their names, their calls, goes to the bird refuge w/ his binoculars to watch them... into bird watching.
The rest of us have learned from him, it's actually surprising how cool it is when you realize how different they all are.

Anyway.  We have several bird feeders, hanging from tree branches, just outside of our kitchen.  We sit there and watch the birds several times a day. 
We have one in particular that stays there the whole winter and M keeps it full.
I love to see this...

We also have some other visitors that like to visit our bird feeders...

Awwwwwe, isn't that so cute?  I can hear you all sighing right now!
We leave plenty of seed on the ground for the squirrels. 
Why is it that is not enough? 
I used to think these guys were cute, until we got bird feeders.  Now I don't feel the same!
I have turned a little against these creatures, especially when I give and give, and share...
Then walk around the corner to see this...

The birds are nowhere to be found when the squirrels are raping my bird feeder!!!

They climb the tree, slide down the wire and hang there and eat all of the seed!
REALLY... it's not good enough that I left a feast for you right at your feet!

The funny part, to my husband at least, is that this REALLY bothers me!
We initially tied these up w/ rope, the squirrels chewed through the rope so the feeders dropped and shattered all over the deck.
I get pissed!

This is the secret of the McAfee household.... don't call animal control on me please!
I will pick up the stick in our sliding door, open it and chase these creatures down!!!
I know, I can just imagine what my neighbors think as I come blaring out of my house screaming and yelling and hitting the tree with my stick! 
Oh, my, are you embarrassed for me?

The most awful experience I had was right at first because I'd hit the window and the first few times that scared them enough they'd fall to the ground and run off.
When that didn't work I amped up a bit to my stick technique!

There was one little guy who called my bluff... or tried.
I got out there and he was still hanging on for dear life to my bird feeder.
Despite my calling BOO to him, trying to get him to fall, he wouldn't!
Oh, no, what is a crazed girl to do... do I actually attack and teach him a lesson?
It's like disciplining children, if I do nothing he'll tell all the chipmunks that it's all a farce, stay on as long as you like, she's just trying to scare us.
I can't have that chatter among the chipmunk population now can I?

So, I took a mini swing with my stick... eeeeeewwww!
Still nothing... really?  Just fall dang it!

It was quite the adrenaline rush standing face to face with my little arch nemesis.

I didn't want to grab the feeder and shake him off, so again I poked him with my stick... a few times... a little harder.... then he fell.

Ewwwww!  It really was gross!

That was the only time that happened.  We're back to opening the door, or hitting the window, and they fall.

This is SOOOO annoying to me!
I asked M if we could fix the feeder somehow. 
He's mostly disturbed by my behavior! :)

My brother Ryan is a bit of a hunter.  He likes to shoot stuff!  If he lived close I'd borrow a bbgun. 
Light on...
Oh ya... game on squirrel...

I'm well stocked with nerf bullets.  This way I don't have to touch them.
I've yet to hit any of them, but it does scare them away, for at least a couple of hours!

My blood still boils when they climb on our bird feeder, and I grab my nerf gun!
I've stopped pounding on my glass, now I run for the gun to see if I can hit one!

This past week is when I took all of these photos...
Saturday M came home with a new feeder!
The peace has been restored in our yard!
The birds are on the feeder where they belong, the chipmunks have stayed off, at least for now, and hopefully after a few months my neighbors will forget about the woman who randomly comes out to hit her trees!