
Let me start by saying I'm pretty much a skeptic when it comes to beauty products.  I've spent my fair share of dollars on promises that have never been fulfilled!

I've decided that I'll stick with my basics and age with style!  I wash my face with regular Oil of Olay cleanser!  I recently tried some 'age defying' serum from the same brand and it's not my thing, left me with a greasy face and just as many 'lines'!  I'm back to the regular moisturizer, again from Oil of Olay. 

Would I get different results if I paid more money?  I don't know, I've never met anyone who swears by anything.

Enter my visit to UT last summer...When I went to visit my friend Lynette I was shocked at her eyelashes. Seriously!  I'd never had believed such things were possible had I not seen them for myself!  Really, they are crazy long.  Don't mind my crazy hair in this photo... focus on the eyelashes...  Need I say more?

Here is where I test our friendship... GET ME THAT STUFF!!! 
She pulled through... love her so much!
I started using LiLash the beginning of December...  I know, it's super expensive...

Thought I'd start with a before photo...

At first I wasn't sure I was using it right, wasn't sure if it was really working.  It has to work... I've seen the results on Lynette!  Keep going...
Then, I looked back at this photo... um yep, it's FOR SURE working!

I'm not at the crazy length yet, but I'm loving longer lashes! 
This is one product I'm sold on!
*****Adding this******
I've had many questions regarding LiLash.  Here are some answers.  One tube could last 9-12 months.  You do need to continue using it to have long lashes.  Use it to get the length you want, then use a couple times a week to maintain.
My next product is eye de-puffer!  This is genetic.  My mom has little puffy pockets under her eyes, I have them too.  Now, they aren't dark circles, they are puffs, like the cereal!  I deal, whatever, love my skin right?
Funny story when after teaching a lesson in church someone came up to me... I thought they'd comment on my lesson... nope... I noticed you have puffs under your eyes!  Well, sorry to distract you!  I jest, she really wanted to recommend a product, which I've still not tried... maybe it was the approach? 
Last week I went into a department store to ask about products and as I approached the counter, drawing my hand to my eyes... your puffs?  Are they that bad?  I didn't even have to speak!  Yes, I can see them, she said!  Sweet!  Walked away with nothing...
Did some research on home remedies, causes and such.
I was at the store this week, looking for 'spa supplies' for Q's party this weekend.  I saw this...  I grabbed it.  It's cheap enough, probably doesn't work.  I was wrong!  It totally did!  Again, sold!  Miraculous!

Now, on to my nails... nothing new there, I'm still sold on gel nails, they make me way too happy.  Here is what I did this time. 

I even put those little hearts on there myself!  Adorable! 

Next a little hair.  Last Sunday I tried a do that I pinned.  Actually I just went to link and it's a bit of a different to.  Basically I did three buns on the back of my head. 

Finally, I took my fabulous new shoes out for a spin.  I paired them with this navy skirt.  Oh I do love them!

I joined a blog hop today.  Be sure to follow me... on the sidebar to the right, then put yourself in here!  Enjoy meeting some great new bloggers!