Never Know When You'll Need Some Chicken...

Last night after teaching dance I went to the store to get a birthday gift for Q's friend. 
I opened my bag to get my wallet and saw this...

Oh my... I didn't pull that out, left it right where it was! 
Remember my post from Tuesday?  The boys and I went to lunch at BJ's, do you see where I'm going with this?  We had chicken tenders and I went ahead and put the left overs in my purse... well, because you never know when you'll need some chicken right?!!! :) 
Surely I thought I'd put it in the fridge when we got home and they could eat it later.
But now it's almost 3 days later... just me and my chicken, packin it around in my green bag!  Ready to share some old food with anyone who wants it! 
I'm crazy!
In other news, we are running a more efficient house these days.
When husband asked if I wanted to help him insulate the attic last week.  I responded, quite convincingly NO!  I imagined me in a tiny space, choking on insulation, basically doing all of the work because I fit into small spaces!  He asked again and I said NO!  Hire help!
Do you know we've lived here for almost 8 years and prior to this last weekend I'd never seen into our attic spaces!!??
Saturday M showed me a video.  Ok, if it's as easy as it looks I'll do it. 
This is the system we used...
Indeed it was super easy!  M rented a machine from Home Depot.  He bought many bales!  We started in the garage, the attic space over our family room.  He took the hose up, and blew the insulation.  My job was to score and break the bales then push them into the 'fluffer' as I like to call it!  There is a piece that cuts the plastic wrapping as you push it in, then it expands 16x!  There are blunt blades at the bottom that break it apart, then it gets sucked up the tube and out onto our attic floor. 
It was SO easy! 
We did have to get a different machine from a different store as the first one jammed on us.  Also M had to prep the attic space over the upper floor.  He didn't like that much, but the rest of the job was a breeze!  I'd highly recommend it!

Can you say hoarder?  I have a bit of an addiction when it comes to fabric remnants!  I'm excited to be making some hair accessories for a new friend who sells Matilda Jane.  I'll be making the little giveaway hair clips that she gives away at trunk shows.  Exciting!

I made this birthday crown last week for my Saturday photo shoot.  Check back, I'll show you the tutorial.  Mom sent me a photo of baby's birthday attire and I made this to match.

Here is how it looked on... crazy cute!  I think I may have even convinced my Q to wear a crown instead of a birthday hat!
Last I wanted to share some new blogs I've found.  I've been reaching out, finding new blogging friends, it has been wonderful.

 This woman makes cooking look good!  I'm excited to try some new recipes.
This woman is a rock star with the ideas for kiddies!
Eye CANDY!!!!!  Inspiration!