2012 Favorites
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The new year is fast approaching! Yikes, today I'm trying to finish my December scrapbook, which I haven't even posted about yet! I will finish this in the next day or two!
I want to take a look back at the year and review some favorite projects and moments. This is also a great time to move some of my things from CCMakesStuff over to here. I want this to be the place to keep record of all of the things I've done creatively, as well as keep my family record. So...
I created this hanging piece and table for our New Year's gathering at the C's.
I also created some winter yarn wreaths to sell, along with balloon wreaths for the upcoming birthday in our home!
This moved over from my other blog...
A while ago I purchased these zippers because they were on clearance.
Still, they weren't cheap, but I purchased anyway, unsure of what I'd do with them at that time.
Got myself a bright idea and traced out a large heart, cut it out, then traced it onto a flat canvas I had on hand, yes I buy stuff like that and keep it on hand!!!
I measured and cut, then glued each strip onto the canvas, following the shape I'd traced on there.
Here is the finished product. I LOVE it! My cute friend asked where the pull was, another brilliant idea... it should be on the heart. I can't seem to keep it on there though. My little boys like to zip it off the heart.
Love me this zipper project!
Also in February I did some room makeovers... I repainted the family room and entry. You can see a shot of the entry at this post.
G's 8th birthday and baptism. This is the party debut on this blog! Hooray!
An upcoming event I need to prepare for is G's 8th birthday party. He wants to have many people over and I'm all about hosting rather than renting some place out. He is having a Wii Mario tournament. He loved the idea, since he's way into Mario right now. Sort of comical as I look for ideas, that all of these parties are for 4 or 6 year olds! We are on the slow train as we JUST got our Wii this past Christmas.
Today I made his invitations in Photoshop. Just need to print them out and send them off! Yea!
It made my day that he thought this invitation was the coolest thing ever! I don't do many cool things as his mother. His father has laid claim to all things cool!
See photos from the Mario Party HERE.
I worked on these in both March and April... this may be my FAVORITE project from this past year! I am beyond proud of these head pieces! I need to get a photo of them with the costumes... they looked FAAAAbulous!
Here is the post from the other blog...
This is a fun time of year for me. I get to do a bunch of commissioned stuff for Center Stage Dance Studio. It is great to create pieces for the stage! This particular project was way fun! Liza gave me freedom, trusted my creativity and I went to town! I was challenged w/ the giraffe and kangaroo, but overcame. I've been busy bunching tulle and draping organza, fluffing feathers... and now I'm done! I LOVE the finished products, they are wonderful! It was so fun to unveil and hear the excitement! Really fun project! They'd make great Halloween costumes too!

More hair pieces for dance recitals check these out on my FACEBOOK PAGE.
June and July
I just have a few photos prior to the 15th... it was a crazy month... see this post about my dad's death.
I did still manage to create while in Utah visiting family! I painted my mom's 3 tables and crafted with my cute SIL Kathy...
I also 'created' a new PR for my marathon time... by 5 minutes. I still haven't posted about this! I finished 4th woman in my age division.
We created some memories! It felt good to be home after 2 months away! We did a lot of fun stuff each day! I did my first triathalon. I actually got an email a couple of weeks ago inviting me to an 'invitation only' tri. I got it because I was in the top % of my tri. Don't think I'll do it, timing is off, but it was still cool to get the invite! This tri had some MEAN hills on the bike! Of course I've not written about this either! It was a great experience! I'll for sure do one again!
Our Back To School party... See that here. There are some printables on there.
This is the month I had a 'rededicating commitment' to the blog! I've posted in the last 3 months of this year than all of last year! I hope to reach out, build readership... I don't know about the 'business' of it, I have two other 'business' that I run!!! We'll see! Go ahead and follow me though! That never hurts!
These were some popular posts...
Polka Dot Pants. They are a great addition to my wardrobe!
My picnic table tree! See the full post.
And last of all December
my sparkle tree canvas (post)
My new holiday wall (post) with printables for you.
And last, my new for me, outdoor Christmas decor!
2013 will surely bring new goals and projects... hopefully growth and new friendships too.
Goodbye to 2012.