Fashionista... Red Pants and Last Try
A post for my inner diva and fashionista!
While I was sitting in the hospital with my mom this summer and old friend of my mom's came to visit and she asked me if I always looked like 'this'? I wondered if she was speaking of the bags under my eyes, to which the answer is yes!!! 'You look so cute and stylish'... I guess if you distract to the body no one sees the bags!!!
Really though, my response is... I've got to get dressed anyway, why not look fabulous, put on something cute!
I've been wanting to try the colored pants, I know I'm way behind on trends, fortunately they are still trending. I purchased 2 pair a few weeks ago, just some inexpensive guys from Marshalls. I've just been waiting for 'pants' weather. It has arrived! Goooooo colored pants!
I LOVE THEM! I love color, so fun to mix! I love making a statement! They are super fun! Go get some!
Here are two outfits from last week.
Last bit of clothing inspiration...

The best thing is that I bought nothing new for this 'new outfit' that I may never wear again!
(pinstripe pencil skirt- Marshalls, cardi- Charolette Russe, shoes- Target, necklace- DownEast)
Go, look in your closet, what can you bring back to life this week?
Oh and one last shot of my new camera bag from Cheeky Lime, the last of my anni gifts! I went with mustard of course! Love that color, love this bag! Tomorrow I put it to the test as I head off for wedding #2! Love that bitty camera detail!
While I was sitting in the hospital with my mom this summer and old friend of my mom's came to visit and she asked me if I always looked like 'this'? I wondered if she was speaking of the bags under my eyes, to which the answer is yes!!! 'You look so cute and stylish'... I guess if you distract to the body no one sees the bags!!!
Really though, my response is... I've got to get dressed anyway, why not look fabulous, put on something cute!
I've been wanting to try the colored pants, I know I'm way behind on trends, fortunately they are still trending. I purchased 2 pair a few weeks ago, just some inexpensive guys from Marshalls. I've just been waiting for 'pants' weather. It has arrived! Goooooo colored pants!
I LOVE THEM! I love color, so fun to mix! I love making a statement! They are super fun! Go get some!
Here are two outfits from last week.
I wore this last ditty for date night. Wore these cute shoes, that died a horrible death as I cleaned the church... after date night. So sad to retire these beauties, they have been one of my favorite pair of flats. Guess I'll need to find a new pair?
Last bit of clothing inspiration...
I purchased this sheer top for Ashley's solo (that she did for last year's show). Didn't end up using it. It was maybe $7, and surely I misplaced the receipt or thought I would wear it. Never wore it, over a year and a half people! So, into the donate pile finally, after sitting in my 'make something crafty with it' pile. As I was taking the bag out to the car I gave this top one last look... surely I could... think, think... got it... put an outfit together in my head. Wore it on Sunday and it totally worked!
(pinstripe pencil skirt- Marshalls, cardi- Charolette Russe, shoes- Target, necklace- DownEast)
Go, look in your closet, what can you bring back to life this week?
Oh and one last shot of my new camera bag from Cheeky Lime, the last of my anni gifts! I went with mustard of course! Love that color, love this bag! Tomorrow I put it to the test as I head off for wedding #2! Love that bitty camera detail!